Thank you Julie! I adore succulents. Whenever the weather is diffused have you noticed how much the colors pop? And we do don't we? What would we do without our bees? oxox
I love the interplay between light and darkness. I love the idea of a deep connection to the cosmos, and the duality of sun and moon which represents contrasting element, and possibly hope and despair, or enlightenment and obscurity. Wonderful Deborah! Thank you! ✨🙏💜
So lovely; I needed the reminder to not become wrapped up in my own dramas that I forget to notice the little miracles of nature unfolding all around ❤️
Oh Jenn, you have so much going on in that precious home of yours. I know you are teaching these things and are very felt. I don't know what it was but I began to think about the tiniest creatures that we don't really regard with any respect at times. I find myself destroying spider webs because I get bit - but when I really think about the work - it brings me tears. ugh. I did teach these things to my kids and I do pass it on to my grandkids - especially with other grandparents mentioning they'd like to kill the squirrels? (I think that's what inspired this. It hurt.) I get it - they destroy things or our gardens at times - but they were here first! Funny enough after I wrote this I had a new friend running through my gutter garden! Digging little holes. Seems he/she thinks it's a good place to hide nuts :) Oh well! Hope you're doing well. Mom is settling in at our home for a few months and I'm trying to find my normal routine in the midst of it :) Sending a you a big hug. oxox
That first photo is so lovely. I love succulents. Your poem too. And that line “we ride on the backs of bees” ❤️
Thank you Julie! I adore succulents. Whenever the weather is diffused have you noticed how much the colors pop? And we do don't we? What would we do without our bees? oxox
Yes succulents are such interesting plants to me. Their structures and funny shapes. Alien almost.
I love the interplay between light and darkness. I love the idea of a deep connection to the cosmos, and the duality of sun and moon which represents contrasting element, and possibly hope and despair, or enlightenment and obscurity. Wonderful Deborah! Thank you! ✨🙏💜
Thank you for reading this Charlotte and for the depth of understanding you have for my writing. It feels like such a special connection. Love you. ox
Oh so beautiful ❤️ thank you for this 💕💕💕
Oh thank you dear Merissa. I've been thinking of you a lot and keeping you in prayer still. I do hope you are recovering well and doing okay. oxox
Thank you so much ❤️ I appreciate your prayers everyday ❤️
Beautiful words Deborah. ✨
Thank you so much Trudi! ox
You’re welcome! ☺️
Thanks Deborah, nice to read something gentle and praising God's creation as I wake in the morning, lovely music also!
Thank you so much Martin. I really appreciate it. I love creation and I adore that composer!
I'm a bit behind as I traveled to see my mum and brother and will be bringing my mum home for the holidays this Tuesday. ox
Lovely! ✨
Thank you Hege 🙏🏻😘
So lovely; I needed the reminder to not become wrapped up in my own dramas that I forget to notice the little miracles of nature unfolding all around ❤️
Oh Jenn, you have so much going on in that precious home of yours. I know you are teaching these things and are very felt. I don't know what it was but I began to think about the tiniest creatures that we don't really regard with any respect at times. I find myself destroying spider webs because I get bit - but when I really think about the work - it brings me tears. ugh. I did teach these things to my kids and I do pass it on to my grandkids - especially with other grandparents mentioning they'd like to kill the squirrels? (I think that's what inspired this. It hurt.) I get it - they destroy things or our gardens at times - but they were here first! Funny enough after I wrote this I had a new friend running through my gutter garden! Digging little holes. Seems he/she thinks it's a good place to hide nuts :) Oh well! Hope you're doing well. Mom is settling in at our home for a few months and I'm trying to find my normal routine in the midst of it :) Sending a you a big hug. oxox
It is (usually) a joy to share this planet with so many little critters. ☺️. I hope you are getting settled and enjoying the time spent together! ❤️