I had only bugged him for, hummmm, about 38 of our 40 years of marriage! ha ha! We love to go to jazz concerts - anything music, especially with bass players - but I really love dance!! It’s always been far more expensive to attend ballets than small jazz venues! But he scored a deal and this is the third one in the last few years! Progress! lol -
I hope you’re doing well! I must catchup. We lost John’s brother a few weeks ago and now I am fighting a head-cold - I think you wrote something and I am all over the place - but I will check in! Much love to you Jenni! ox
Sorry for your loss! I am a bit run down. I got sick from my two young grandsons. Boy, was there an avalanche of resulting stress after that. Two boys under two, both pretty much crying and uncooperative for over a week; and grandma and grandpas trying to help out the two exhausted parents. YEEX! But it was just an annoying head cold too; nothing requiring more than rest and slogging forward till everyone started improving.
We've had so much snow and cold that we are totally done with Winter though it isn't done with us :)
Much love back. Again, very sad to hear about the loss of John's brother. Many blessings!!
Oh I am there too. So sorry Jenni :(. I have walked into the fire for over a month of colds, fevers, norovirus, and somehow came home unscathed until now. It’s a miserable cold - but I pulled out my Neti Pot and that does wonders to clear the sinus. I tend to go down hard - but I’ve built some strong immunities in these last seven years of babysitting - so it’s not as strong. My thing was sinusitis, facial pain, double ear infection, etc. These last few years I’ve had regular colds that haven’t got that bad. Still no fun!
Thank you for the condolences. It’s been a rough beginning to the new year for so many. Sending my love. ox
From dancing lessons as a little girl at Beulah dancing school to present day activities, every form of dance was your ultimate pleasure. Accompanied by music that included a talented double bass player turned out to bena double gift to you both.
Wonderful @Deborah! Thank you! The image and post does remind me of a note I shared this last week of two souls dancing. I’m glad you enjoyed the ballet. 🩰🤍
What a beautiful and thoughtful gift from your John, Deb!
I had only bugged him for, hummmm, about 38 of our 40 years of marriage! ha ha! We love to go to jazz concerts - anything music, especially with bass players - but I really love dance!! It’s always been far more expensive to attend ballets than small jazz venues! But he scored a deal and this is the third one in the last few years! Progress! lol -
I hope you’re doing well! I must catchup. We lost John’s brother a few weeks ago and now I am fighting a head-cold - I think you wrote something and I am all over the place - but I will check in! Much love to you Jenni! ox
Sorry for your loss! I am a bit run down. I got sick from my two young grandsons. Boy, was there an avalanche of resulting stress after that. Two boys under two, both pretty much crying and uncooperative for over a week; and grandma and grandpas trying to help out the two exhausted parents. YEEX! But it was just an annoying head cold too; nothing requiring more than rest and slogging forward till everyone started improving.
We've had so much snow and cold that we are totally done with Winter though it isn't done with us :)
Much love back. Again, very sad to hear about the loss of John's brother. Many blessings!!
Oh I am there too. So sorry Jenni :(. I have walked into the fire for over a month of colds, fevers, norovirus, and somehow came home unscathed until now. It’s a miserable cold - but I pulled out my Neti Pot and that does wonders to clear the sinus. I tend to go down hard - but I’ve built some strong immunities in these last seven years of babysitting - so it’s not as strong. My thing was sinusitis, facial pain, double ear infection, etc. These last few years I’ve had regular colds that haven’t got that bad. Still no fun!
Thank you for the condolences. It’s been a rough beginning to the new year for so many. Sending my love. ox
From dancing lessons as a little girl at Beulah dancing school to present day activities, every form of dance was your ultimate pleasure. Accompanied by music that included a talented double bass player turned out to bena double gift to you both.
Wonderful @Deborah! Thank you! The image and post does remind me of a note I shared this last week of two souls dancing. I’m glad you enjoyed the ballet. 🩰🤍