Have we ever been free? all these years of tears spinning wheels burning questions risen lessons dance take a chance on hope can we cope? and grieve the cost of what's lost as we sway dance take a chance touch the new day rise above hereof misunderstood He is good freedom is ours dance take a chance away from burdens loss aversions status quo forged in fire soar higher dance take a chance and see you and me what's become our circumstance one more chance take a stance and dance just dance. Ode to Dance deborah t. hewitt
My Christmas gift from John was to see this ballet troupe. Alonzo King Lines Ballet. Amazing blessing. Haven’t stopped thinking about it. Little did he know they would dance to Alice Coltrane. His love of playing double bass for 50 years, and my love of dance, would come together.
What a beautiful and thoughtful gift from your John, Deb!
From dancing lessons as a little girl at Beulah dancing school to present day activities, every form of dance was your ultimate pleasure. Accompanied by music that included a talented double bass player turned out to bena double gift to you both.