May 22Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

What a beautiful piece that captures the spirit of living fully and embracing who you are. Cheers to finding those places and moments that make life vibrant and meaningful. Thank you, Deborah!

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Thank you so much Mo! We are hitting the threshold of the digital/tech world, especially with A.I., the madness of inhumanity. So I believe future generations will run from the exhaustion and try to bring back some of what we grew up with. Not perfect, but better for the soul. For a less disingenuous environment.

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May 20Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Wonderful essay and beautiful photos, Deborah. I’m a fan of Joni’s too, an amazing artist (btw, you should Google Jian Ghomeshi, there’s a reason he’s no longer on the radio).

You’ve also got me interested in visiting Boise sometime. It sounds like an interesting place.

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Thank you so much Mark! Crazy, I had no idea about Jian. Did anything happen as a result, besides not working anymore? Sad. It was quite a famous interview. We love Joni!

I think you would like Boise! It takes a few times and some good guidance. Then suddenly you can’t quite put your finger on the fact that this is a place where people are thriving - because, mostly, they want to. I love the 40 mile Greenbelt that goes through it. The river alongside of it. Everywhere, is something interesting artsy, good food, unique interiors, history. It’s got a cool vibe from downtown to Hyde Park and the outskirt cities. There’s so much to discover. All within a 30 minute range or a little more depending on how far you want to adventure. “Compact” not giant. Hard to express. In places I am reminded of Vancouver, Oregon, California. The weather is warm in summer, beautiful in Spring and sometimes cold, yet beautiful in winter. Fall is exceptional.

Thank you again! ox

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May 20Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Yes, Boise definitely sounds like a place I’d like. As for Ghomeshi, he was fired from the CBC due to allegations of sexual impropriety with an ex-girlfriend. He was later charged with sexual assault concerning three women. He was later acquitted due to insufficient evidence to prove “beyond reasonable doubt”. He never returned to mainstream media and now has a podcast.

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That's a bummer. I find the never ending stream of allegations really dangerous to women who are living with serious domestic abuse. Seems we have left them behind. It's a very serious crime to accuse someone of and we never know, with all these public accusations, what the real truth is. In the end seems all the men walk and that leaves me wondering if it was an elaborated hate accusation, or for money? revenge? If so it's so irresponsible and selfish in terms of real abuse and if it's true? then... I guess the worst punishment is your reputation and people never really know - so they are always wondering.

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May 22Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

He hired a really good lawyer but I think most people figured he was guilty. The case showed how scary it is for women to bring these accusations to court. Their whole lives are put under the microscope and their reputations ripped apart. Very sad.

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Yeah, I wouldn't think anyone would want to press such serious charges and be put in that situation - but I don't think we will ever get the whole truth on these stories.

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May 23Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Agreed 👍🏻

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So good Deb! I love that song and as a Canadian Joni has always been my Queen. Bless you. 🙏❤️

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Thank you Jamie!! Joni is definitely the Queen! We adore her. I so appreciate you reading this. Bless you too. ox

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This is so good as always. Ps I love Joni Mitchell. ❤️💙❤️

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Thank you so much Victoria! Been thinking about you. Hope all is okay. I’ve been visiting my friend out of state! Heading home tonight, Monday.

Joni is the Queen :). Sending you much love. ox

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Some places resonate in a pleasing creative freeing way more than others; and the opposite is also true. Sadly, I left a place in 2012 that did for one that does not. There is a lot of truth in this post.

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Perry, thank you for reading this! You’re so right, about how some places are so special (and not so special - which is sad for all who are trying to live there and thrive). I believe what I gathered after all the visits is the consistency of the “desire to thrive” and be healthy, expressive with the arts and just overall balance. I did not see many people hooked to their phones in meeting places or outdoors, on the streets. Also, there is an emphasis on gathering places, both outdoors and indoors. I have deeply observed and it’s honestly a very special place.

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It sounds wonderful, especially the sense of community. 🕊🦜

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You are always so uplifting! This is a fun essay, the music takes me back! And to take time to write while on you trip… you were moved by the art and music around you, I’m sure! I saw your post of the carousel, leader board just now! How about that! 👍🫶🙌keep having great fun. Thanks for taking time to share this piece, these classics that mean so much! I loved it; Love you! 😊🥰❤️

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May 20·edited May 20Author

My friend! Thank you so very much! I love doing Sunday Amens! They usually come from deep inspiration and a move to "just do it" no matter how busy! I've had some late evenings and one morning yesterday - but we've been exploring a lot on this trip! So blessed. It's been great fun. Music, art, creativity, story telling -- is life :). They keep us going right? Sending you my love. Have a good week ahead. oxox

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Wonderful essay @Deborah! Thank you! And I’m happy you are enjoying your stay in Idaho! Also some good news, this essay showed up in my carousel! 🎠

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Thank you so much Charlotte! I love doing a Sunday Amen and this place doesn't disappoint on inspiration :). I's take several visits to pin down how it feels. I'm happy to hear that my story went to that carousel. I never saw it there. I think it might appear for a few minutes when I first post (I don't see it) and then it's gone. Sending you much love for a great week ahead! ox

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May 19Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Deborah, I love your essays! They always uplift me, challenge me, and totally entertain! Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you so very much Bob! I'm so happy to hear this! I can get so deep and very emotional and these Sunday Amens are my favorite. So very inspiring here in Boise. A feeling that's been building in me for awhile after visiting several times. Perfectly imperfect. I feel a sense of home in my heart here. Have a great week! ox

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May 19Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I love that song, too…so good. I remember it did feel fresh and different the first time I heard it. It was infectious and you couldn’t help but be carried away…kind of like Boise, it seems ☺️. I am so glad you are having a good time, and thank you for the wonderful Sunday amen and gorgeous pictures!

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Hey Jenn, yess! Such a good song! Joni felt the authenticity of it and I agreed! It was fun, rebellious, raw, clean and definitely infectious. It feels that way here in Boise. It's been building in me. Never perfect, but it's a place of mutual down-to-earth, creative thrivers. Thank you so much for reading and your kind comment! I love me a Sunday Amen! oxox

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May 20Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

That sounds absolutely lovely. Now I want to visit Boise, too!

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I think you would love it here! I wrote to Mark here about how it feels a bit more. It’s hard to explain - but it gets to you. You know? like you want more. Sending you much love. ox

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May 21Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

It sounds like it really nurtures the soul ❤️

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May 19Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Great share and amazing photos

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Thank you friend! I love a Sunday Amen. This is a special place :) ox

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May 19Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I'm so glad you're having a nice time x

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Thank you Elliot! Much needed. Blessed :)

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May 20Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

You deserve it. Lavishly ❤️🙏

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I have you on my heart friend. I hope all is well. Thank you. ox

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May 21Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

You are most kind dear one 🙏💜🙏

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What a perfect note to sound for your Sunday Amen, Deborah. Thank you for noticing so many positive expressions of creativity. Please allow me to add another random verse to the chorus. “Joy to the world—Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea—Joy to you and me!”

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Awe, thank you Andrew! I love me a Sunday Amen! And, yesss! please add that awesome chorus in! How'd you know I loved Three Dog Night as a kid? I think I was about 10 years old and danced all over the house to it :) ox

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May 19Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Thank you, Deborah. This is what I needed today.🙏

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Oh Mary, thank you! This made me smile big! I hope your Sunday was sweeter for it. Sending you my love. oxox

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