Jul 11Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I have a nephew who married his best friend’s widow, an IRAQ War IED victim. They served tours in Iraq.

The current Iraq War started as part of World War One with the British versus Iraq people.

The British were finally driven out in a messy war that lingers even to this day.

Way back in the 1920s, the IEDs of Iraq were developed and many an English military soldier was killed this way.

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Wow Jim. What a love story. Those IED's are absolutely heinous :(

Us British were a mad (crazy) bunch (still are quite mad). Thank you for reading and for leaving me this comment. History is something that most people don't care to dive into.

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Jul 8Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

What an unexpected blessing it was that the environment of this class provided this brave man the ability to finally release the demons.he had buried so deeply inside of him and now allow himself to live his life. What a story!!

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It truly was an unexpected blessing to be a part of God's hand in this man's life. Thank you mom for your dear heart. I love you so much. ox

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Jul 7Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I love this Debbie. There has been so much fruit from your stepping in and teaching others so patiently.

The Smallbone Family is a special one. Our friends from Calvary Chapel Chino Valley have a daughter Moriah, (Maggie’s age) and she is married to Joel.

Love you

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Dearest Friend, you gave me tears. I am listening to God and I honestly look back now and see it's all Him. He has this direction for me and I'm just on His ride saying, "really, okay? I'll talk about that or tell that story, play that song, oh? that picture - where is it, I can see it." It's been crazy!! And, oh my goodness, I had no idea that Joel's wife is from our area and her parents are members at Calvary! John's been playing there for the new big music events, but we're both rebuilding in a tiny church right now, as you know. What a beautiful couple they are. That movie really got me and somehow God placed that story of a loving wife back on my heart while watching it. A story that needed to be told. I remember coming home that night crying big joyful tears, smiling at the opportunity I was given, that became a much deeper purpose. I remember going into teaching thinking, if one student can learn and enjoy this art fully, then I have done my job (just like coming here to writing. if just one person...) and He has blessed my life way beyond that. He pulled me out of my despair and did it again. I love you Jacqui and see your beautiful Anderson faces every day in my prayers. oxox

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Jul 7Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

What a wonderful post. It never is a coincidence. Thank you for sharing this. I also enjoy listening to for King and Country.

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Thank you so much Monica! I am so glad you enjoyed listening to For King & Country. Beautiful young men from a truly inspiring family. And no, never a coincidence. All part of the highway of God.... if we're listening. oxox

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Jul 7Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

This has brought tears to my eyes. You helped him live; he helped you teach. I love this, Deb. Thank you for sharing it.

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Thank you so much Jenn for reading it. I will never forget. It was a bit surreal. Who was I in this man's world? A world exposed to so much horror. Truly memorable and I remember going home and shedding big tears. I felt so grateful that I was part of the conduit to recovery. We really are connected on God's highway. Sending you big love and hope you're not as hot as we are out here in the west! oxox

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That is a beautiful thing, truly. I am in awe. We are all connected and you never know how or when you might change the life of another. Sending a hug! It is HOT here in the south.

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I really enjoy your faith inspiring stories Deborah! And more than enjoyable, because they fortify my own faith in our Creator. Little miracles, and big miracles happen to us every day proving God‘s existence is all around us. All you have to do is open your eyes. See the miracles happen. Bless your heart, and bless Nick, and his wife’s hearts. I am so happy he got his life, and family back.

I hope you someday you write a Book of Miracles ✨💜🙏🤗

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Dear Charlotte,

thank you so much for this lovely comment. I am so glad anything I could say would fortify your faith in God. There are many stories of faith and miracles. If only we could hear them more often vs. the never ending noise of media, which is designed to control and make you feel less of yourself, helpless and frustrated. It's in the little things, the living daily, how you volunteer with your precious little neighbor, that we find unexpected stories. Or the looking back to see how God really was with you on the path and how you feel called to share that. It's where I'm at. He does fulfill a purpose in us when were are awake to His voice.

Wouldn't it be so great to write a book? Who knows where writing will take both of us but for now it's exciting to let it all happen and flow! Thank you for this again.

Sending you much love always! ox

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

A truly awesome, remarkable story 👏

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Thank you so much Grace for reading! I will never forget it. Definitely worth sharing. ox

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I never know what to say after I read your writings. The first emotion I feel is always "hopefulness". As I go about my life I find I need a boost of hope, and I sometimes get one out of the blue.

This morning there was a thick fog over the entire bay and as I was sitting outside drinking my morning cappuccino, cheering on the sun, reading this essay of yours, the sun broke through. I just looked up to see blue sky and fluffy clouds.

Your words give me hope. So now I can get up and start my day with the hope of a sunny-blue-sky-fluffy-cloud-attitude. Much love and many blessings, Deb!

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Oh thank you so much Jenni! The description of you looking out over the bay with your cappuccino, wishing for the sun to break through and reading my story, made my heart sing! Especially when the sun broke through and the sky turned to a painting. Hope is everything!

There are so many stories of hope that we need to hear and fill ourselves with. I hope your "marshmallow cloud blue sky day" was a beautiful one yesterday! That's what I call Oregon skies where my mama lives! Sending you much love and blessings back. oxox

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You give me hope, buddy!

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Ahh, yet another example of how God places us in the path of those in need. Great story! Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you so much Penny! He does place us on a path. Just this morning, in church, a lady walked in who I knew in my former large church and she was going through so much of what we went through. We were meant to connect again. It was really good to reaffirm that letting go and letting God was so important for living out our purpose. ox

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I saw Unsung Hero in the movie theater when it came out. I’m intrigued by Angel Studios and the films they are producing.

The C.S. Lewis quote reminds me of a film I saw many years ago called Crash. The theme connectedness touched me deeply. I can barely recall any details, but remember the amazement I felt after watching.

Thank you for sharing your story… and that of the young man whose life shifted because he took the risk of taking the class… and you… the risk of teaching it.

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Thank you so much for reading and commenting! It's great to connect people here too! I love it! We will never forget the Sandra Bullock movie, "Crash," and you're right, I remember walking out of the theater, with a "wow." Would have to see it again. It's amazing how we can be reminded of these movies from the things we read. My student sure went through a lot, which devastated his family and of course him. But he had the perfect partner for him. The domino effect of tragedy/wars, we continue to see today, seems we (as much as I hate the word "always") will "always" see sadly. There are wars at home, wars everywhere. Life is already hard, then the big events. I love that C.S. Lewis quote. God does have a plan for us and He does connect us for a reason, if we're listening. Thank you again. ox

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Jul 9Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

“If we are listening” seems to hold a key. For much of my life I didn’t know how to listen for God.

Did you ever see this clip from Young Sheldon? It’s so good!


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Oh my. I did not and you got me some good tears. That is absolutely beautiful. “The perfect mom for me.” oh geeze. Thank you so much for this.

For much of my life and even my supposed walk with God, I didn’t know how to listen either. It took some real life blows to get here. Glad you’re here too. ox

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Jul 10Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

“supposed walk with God”

That’s an interesting use of words. I’m not sure that I understand your meaning. 🤔

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I thought I was walking at times in my life but I realize looking back I was only half in. I didn't always listen. It's a growth thing. ✨

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Jul 10Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Got it!

Thanks for clarifying. :)

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Angel studios is a favourite of mine. You're right, they produce movies that have a great deal of depth in them. I saw Crash too and felt the same. I watched it twice then bought the dvd. what a cast, what a plot, what a story!

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Hi Jenni!

Thank you for connecting. Now I feel doubly inspired to go back and watch Crash!

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I like social media sites where commenting on other's comments is welcomed. I once had a guy here on Substack block me because I asked him why his comment sections were always filled with hateful political junk when he was writing essays that had nothing to do with politics. The last thing he wrote back to me was "If you don't like the comments, don't read them." I never got an answer to my question. And not read comments? I always read comments. It's how you learn about people and relate and try to connect with others you might not even pay attention to, except that you like the same Substacks! :) I'm going to look for Crash tonight. I bought a external drive that can plug into anything so I can still watch those outdated dvds I love! Cheers!

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Cheers — to Crash, commenting, connection, and growth. :)

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Crash is worth rewatching. Thanks for the reminder.

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Jul 6Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I’ll see if I can find it streaming. We have a DVD, but playing would take some effort with outdated electronics. 🤔

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