My grandmother was an OmniTrans bus driver in L.A., and my mother was a school bus driver. Last night, I was on the phone with my mom, talking about the pressure she faced to abort me. Unfortunately, she had two abortions before me. She finally slammed the front door in the face of her social worker, but she still carries trauma and guilt over what she was pressured into.

I told her she needed to know that I forgive her. I also told her she must accept God’s forgiveness for herself. I reminded her that talking through these things is healthy because those thoughts don’t need to be entertained. The “should have,” “could have,” and “would haves” must be thrown out of her mind.

We were deceived as poor people, but we are waking up and being saved—by God and by the age of free information! Praise God! The devil has no place in my free mind!

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Dear Friend, as you know it's been a hard week with our brother's passing. On the very day I wrote this :( Your family story is gut-wrenching. The devil's deception and relentlessness breaks the strongest of us down. This is why we must be in constant prayer and on top of everything. Praise God indeed. Love you Jannette. ox

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You are a genius! I haven't read something this fantastic in a very long time.

disrupter of equality

twisted ideology

priest of pathology

May the Lord of the universe keep us safe.

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Dear Joel, thank you so much - but it's all God! You made my day though. I'm so sorry I'm late here. We lost a brother last week :(. On the day I wrote this. oxox

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Sorry for your loss.

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Thank you Joel. You are so kind. ox

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Also forgot to mention that I was the person who brought my mother to the Lord Jesus. What the enemy intends for evil, God will use for good.

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He is so good to us to allow our hearts to see clearly what forgiveness means and how he uses that for His Kingdom. He does use the enemy's intentions for good. This is amazing to hear. And now you and mom share this ultimate love and spread it out into the universe. ox

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Thank you for calling out all his devices. He really only has a few lies. He just likes to rebrand them to the masses. I've had enough darkness in my life the last several years! I'm ready to live in the Light again!

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Rosemary, it's all God as you know! He moves us and it's up to us to listen. We lost a brother suddenly on this very day I published this piece. A very hard week emotionally, but I am affirmed that we must live more and more fearless to speak with each day we are given to praise Him and speak His truth. Sending you my love and hope you are keeping well. I am way behind here. oxox

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I'm sorry for the loss of your brother. These unexpected losses are so hard. Take your time getting back into the fray. I know I've been absent too. I have been very sick for 3 weeks and am just now recovering. My girl is home and we are taking turns looking after each other. 🩷🙏

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Thank you Rosemary. It was my BIL and John’s brother and best friend. It’s so sad. And oh my I am so sorry you’ve been that sick! The Norovirus has spread like wildfire all through our family and I have been experiencing very mild symptoms of yuck (as I call them). I am so happy to hear your girl is home with you and you are caring for one another. God is so good. That is amazing. Sending you much love. ox

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I love it. Spiritual warfare is real. Great piece!

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Thank you friend. More real than ever. When will the relentlessness of it end. This is a hard season. Sending you much love. ox

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All of this was so moving. The poem at the end - brilliant. We need to wake up and start listening to a different voice.✨

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Thank you so much friend. I wrote this the day our brother suddenly passed. Oh my. A hard day - but I felt it and I feel it. The enemy is good and yet we know better. Sending you much love. I am so far behind. I hope you're doing well Trudi. ox

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You are where you are meant to be right now Deborah. Go easy on yourself. Sending you love and hugs.❤️

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Yes, thank you so much dear friend. I have to catchup and I’m impassioned to write - but also taking it easy. So much sickness has been going around and I’ve had mild symptoms and trying to stay away from all of it! Hope this finds you doing well. Sending my love always. ox

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Hope you stay well. I’m good! Just focusing on the moments that bring joy 🤗

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This is brilliant! Such truth to be told & written from the experience of an honest heart. God is speaking through you. The Devil is no friend of mine.

Love you Sis ❤

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Thank you brother. I love you so much. To think I was writing this the morning our brother would struggle and pass away :( It has hurt so bad - but I know Mike's memory will be a blessing and the devil can't take that away. ox

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Very powerful, Deb, very impassioned, dam breaking, and of course creative ❤️. I love the photo, too. Thank you.

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Thank you dear Jenn. I wrote this the morning of the day our brother would struggle and pass away :( It's been a hard week emotionally - but we know God uses evil for good. Satan is not creative and he will never win. I thought of how Mike knew God and is now perfect with Him - probably sharing stories with my dad. Love you. ox

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Sending you all the love and peace as you and your family grieve your loss. I’m so sorry. ❤️

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Thank you Jenn. ox

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Deborah I'm always touched and moved by your passionate writing, and what you do — standing for God. The devil isn’t creative because he has stolen everything from the Creator. All dynamic energy, everything belongs to our Creator.

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Dearest Charlotte, I am so sorry I am late here. It's been a week since we lost our brother and I wrote this that morning - not knowing the future few hours. I've also struggled to feel well, because everyone around me (the babysitting life!) has had Norovirus. It's like I've carried all the mild symptoms, which is better than full-blown - but dragging none the less. God is so good and he uses everything the devil throws at Him for His good. I am slowly going to start catching up here. Love you and hope you are doing well. oxox

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No worries Deborah, I am so thrilled to hear from you today and know you are doing good despite your challenges at home. It takes time alone and with your family to grieve and feel like you can move on. My heart goes out to all of you. May your brother-in-law rest in peace.

I have been sick all week and postponed my weekly magic moments on Monday. I’m feeling much better today but I probably need another weeks rest. The crud hit me hard. I’m happy to know your symptoms are mild. Thank God for the little things. The silver lining and all this is I’m taking a much needed break in the company of my husband. We’ve had some good conversations and restful moments together the last week.

Sending you much love, empathy, prayers and Godspeed healing. 💜🙏✨🤗 @Deborah T. Hewitt

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Oh dear Charlotte, once again, I am so sorry you’ve been so sick! It is that season. Our youngest has had so much sickness up in San Francisco lately and he’s now in that Pineapple Express, which I think you’re getting too? UGH! The silver lining is when we can hang out with our loved ones and find comfort, conversation, watch old movies, etc. What a blessing. We are blessed like that. Thank you for the love. My BIL was an amazing man and we are missing him a lot. John has thrown himself into work to the point that he’s now realizing Mike is gone. Makes me cry.

Sending you so much love and comfort your way friend. oxox

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Salt of the Earth

You are my hero !!

Searching in my heart tonight for someone to utter truth to stand up and say what needs to be said.. You are my hero xo

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Oh geeze louise! Friend! My heart has been so sore since I wrote this. We lost our brother a few hours after I published this piece. Which has left me weak with all the tears and sickness around us - but strong in knowing that God is good and He is faithful to the end and takes all that satan throws His way and uses it for His purpose. We need to speak up for Him always. I strive to be more fearless with each day that I am given to live. Love you Mary. ox

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Hope you write more on your personal experiences.

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The comments tell the Truth.

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THIS was my answer! Thank you Heavenly Father, Blessed Jesus. My prayers of the last week have been heard and answered. The Devil has been doing this. Thank you my sweet friend I know this was put on your heart and you were led to write it. You know your talent is God given. Again he used it (I'll never admit how close to giving up i was) I for one am soldiering on in the name of the LORD most high. Knowing the Devil is a deceiver and the end times are close he is trying to do as much damage as possible. We must not waver. What a testimony 🙌!! I love and pray for you (with the rest of the world) daily. Oxoxox

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Dearest friend, LINDA!!! I am so sorry I have been absent. But I am BEYOND relieved to hear that this tugged at your heart and you received it as a testimony to never waver and remain fearless. Do not give up. We lost a brother suddenly on this same day I published this piece. It's been a very, very emotional week and John has worked himself to death to avoid the emotions. I am now watching his exhaustion to realize the greatest brother, his best friend, the one who gave John a chance to be an electrician like their dad, is gone. Mike was the total rock of our family on John's side. I can feel your pain through him and the heavy loss you have suffered losing your sis and best friend. I am watching it but I am also watching the example of strength Mike lent to John. John's going to take it forward. You will take Anita's strength and beauty forward. I have said many times, if God uses me to affect one person in a positive way, then I have done my job on this earth. I love you and keep you in my prayers as well. Thank you for this. oxox

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Like your ‘In Your Face’ original piece!

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I'm feeling moved. Thanks Connie! Hope you're doing well. ox

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Well under alarming circumstances!

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