My heart hurts when I think of the families of the murdered hostages. To have had hope for so long only to lose them at this hour. I pray for all of them.

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It’s just anguish, isn’t it? All we can do is pray and stand up for humanity and call out truth. Hamas is a terror group, no different to all the barbarians of history. They make everyone around them suffer. They know no God.

Thank you Alison. ox

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Very well said, thank you

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Thank you Mitchell. We must stand against evil and remember how children see the world. ox

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Sep 2Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I can’t stop sorrowing over the loss and pain of Hersh’s family and all the others. The tears.

Oh broken world.

Thank you for the prose that ministers to us Deb.

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The sorrow never leaves a mother’s heart and I can’t imagine what you, Hersh’s family, and all the other families have been going through and will continue to go through, until the day you are reunited in heaven.

Our children deserve better than what is being done to them by power, greed, lies and spiritual emptiness.

I love you friend. Thank you. ox

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Sep 2Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

There is so much to love about this post. I will re-read it and see things I missed. But you have expressed so well the way that division is affecting all of us on a soul level. Ephesians 3:14-17 is part of one of only two tattoos I have. Thank you.

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Thank you Mary. I felt such a pull to write and I wrote pouring tears for the families of the hostages. So much anguish.

I love that you have part of that verse as a tattoo! Wow! That’s cool. Thank you for reading and for your kind comment. You are filled with compassion. I know we carry many hearts inside of ours. ox

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Sep 3Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I can tell you are a beautiful soul. Truly.

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The feeling is mutual 😘

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Thank you, Deb. I too grieve for the lives lost and appreciated your beautiful reminder of the gift of life.

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Thank you Susan. Anguish is all I can think about. The world is a cruel place. We need God. ox

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Interesting our posts had somewhat of the same theme today and we're posted within twenty minutes of each other. Beautifully written and awesome photograph my new friend.

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We were writing away, at the same time, with so much passion. I read yours and commented. Thank you so much new friend. I am so glad we ran into each other here. ox

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Sep 2Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Such a wonderful story, you do a good job of helping us see in our minds eyes what was going on giving us the impression that you saw God was refilling the empty cups with his love and his compassion big hugs and joy thank you

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Thank you Jules. I was so moved, I ran to my computer and poured tears to words. Didn’t change anything and hit publish 20 min later. I had just been able to witness such a beautiful scene, the day prior, with our grandchildren, (first time with all of them at the beach) and seeing how life works with children is always special. I feel nothing but anguish for the families and won’t stop praying for the hostages until they are all returned. ox

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Sep 2Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Oh Deb, we must pray for children. So many are not safe or cared for. May we all advocate for them physically as we are able and spiritually before the throne of grace.❤️🙏

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Oh Ned, I know. It is terrible times for children. You see it everywhere. Children and animals are suffering, en masse, at a rate so high it is a worry for the future of our world. We must advocate as you say both spiritually and physically.

I hope you and the family are doing well since you arrived home. Thinking of you often and keeping you in prayer. ox

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To be innocent as children and to continue to have their world view would be such a gift in many ways. It is a blessing to be invited into their world for awhile and a cruel shock to be shaken out of it again. Powerful writing, Deb. ❤️

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