Sep 20Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Just beautiful and poignant. I absolutely love that song and the way you’ve interwoven the lyrics into your work is breathtaking. I remember Diana hugging the AIDS sufferers and showing real compassion, without fear or disgust. I remember the fear of AIDS and how the last pandemic replicated it. All to divide us. You are right. We need more love, more hope, more humanity. Thank you, Deborah. 🙏

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Thank you Trudi! I was just working on more of a loose "ode" in there while it was quiet here ☺️ (so it's more the 10 lines in not so perfect stanzas) I kept looking at it on paper.

I love how we keep inspiring each other with our memories like a domino effect ❤️🙏🏻✨. I so appreciate your comment. It's hard to forget the suffering of the AIDS crisis 😔 and these last four years. I will never forget Princess Diana and how she broke the stigma by the simple act of love and kindness. ox

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Sep 20Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I love that too. Long may it continue!💕

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Yesss! It's a wonderful thing ✨

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Beautiful post, Deborah. I, too, was reminded of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s when I saw how people responded to Covid. The parallels were awful.

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Thank you so much Alison. We just have to keep talking about it and not let people forget. The parallels were truly awful. Seems the powerful only see power and profit in front of their eyes. They don’t see the harm or care about it. Hope you’re having a good weekend. ox

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Sep 20Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

George Micheal truly was a musical genius and Lady Diana a beautiful, compassionate soul - both leaving this world too soon but left an indelible mark on the hearts of many. An incredibly powerful, heartfelt tribute absolutely loved it. ❤️❤️❤️

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He truly was Grace! I also think that Princess Kate is a lot like Diana. She has a sense of sweetness and compassion about her. Humility. Thank you for reading and for your kind comment. We have to love where others won't and don't. What has happened to people, a the hands of rulers, and those who work for them, must never be forgotten. Sending you my love and hope you're having a good weekend. ox

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Sep 21Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

"May our collective woundedness point us in the direction of Love." A FANTASTIC summary line!

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Thank you Bob!! It’s our mission! ox

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Sep 21Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I did not know that about princess Diana. Thank you for this heartfelt article exploring the depths of both human depravity and compassion; we need more of the Diana and Deb sorts ❤️

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She was so cool. Left a real legacy I believe. I think Princess Kate is a lot like her. And we need a lot more Jenns! I am soooo behind! But I can’t wait to work with you on something when it feels right. Thinking of you and your family. Hope you’re having a peaceful weekend. oxox

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Sep 22Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Thank you for the kind wishes, and I agree about a collab when it feels right! I hope your weekend has been fabulous! ❤️

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This is a beautiful story. I have been thinking about the elderly a lot lately. The statistics are bad when it comes to dying alone. As I get up in age and disabled I too feel abandoned. People need to take time out of their day to visit the elderly, the poor and sick. I was a missionary to the homeless in the 90s. Some are not mentally well but now in the year 2024, people are homeless because of rent being so high. Thank you for this article. I remember when the aids epidemic hit. People were so fearful just like with COVID.

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Thank you so much Jean. We’re also feeling it in our 60’s. I think we are the last generation to check-in with our parents. It’s very sad. What happened to so many older people, during Covid, was tragic. Many passed from loneliness and lack of touch. I tell my husband, “we better be strong as we age.” I am so sorry you feel this way. Being a missionary, you really know what it means to show Christ’s love to others. I pray that you receive the same. I’m glad you are here on Substack. ox

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Thank you so much for your kind words and thank you for Subscribing.

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There are no cowinkydinkys! This week I write about working with Tom Jones. I love all his music, and when he was performing I’d always sneak down to watch him. It was the mid to late 1980s and he often perform contemporary work made famous by his peers. I loved his version of George Michael’s Wham song Everything She Wants. He chose the best of the best songs to sing.

So this last week my mind has been on George Michael and Tom Jones when I ran across your collaborations. Of course I thought to myself, what a coincidence. A children through my body when I began reading an article about Michaels.

I remember how heartbroken I was watching how AIDs divided so many people. In my own life, it provoked my ex-husband‘s OCD. He was terrified. We are supposed to meet a few years ago for dinner in Los Angeles, right at the end of COVID-19 to discuss with producers about a documentary. Masks and vaccines were required at the club in a meeting so I didn’t go. I felt his and the producers coldness towards me for not being vaccinated. But I held my ground. And when the producers came to our house to interview me they brought along a Covid test kit for my husband and I to take a Covid test. I absolutely refused and told them what they could do with their Covid test kits. I let them know about the dangers of the tests. And that the tests aren’t even approved by the FDA. They argued with me a little bit, but I proved to them what I was saying was true. Y’all finally left us alone.

Princess Diana was so brave, and her love broke the ice. I’m sure AIDS suffers felt much less isolated due to her compassion and work.

Thank you Deborah, beautiful piece and brought some tears to my eyes this morning. Like Trudi mentioned I also love how you weaved that beautiful song into your writing. ✨💜🙏

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Thank you so much for this Charlotte. I can’t (but I can) believe what you went through with those darn test kits and all the b.s. - I feel so angry when I think about all the hypocrisy of it all. I am looking forward to reading your latest piece! We are all so connected here that it is absolutely no coincidence we are bouncing off of each other! It’s such a blessing.

When we look back at the AIDS crisis it’s so much like the pandemic. The way people were treated was horrifying. Sheer evil. Seems the powerful never learn. They only see power and profit in front of their nose. We have to keep talking about it and we have to keep loving people and praying for them. Love you friend. ox

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Wow I am glad to hear of someone else standing up against those tests. And I grew up with Tom Jones music. I watched him on the UK Voice.

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No 💉💉💉for me! 😘

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Sep 20Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Thank you my sweet friend. I remember it well, worry about my brother and the horrible social stigma. His best friend since childhood, like another brother ti me testing Positive and swearing us to secrecy because of fear. He is still with us today. And not as afraid of revealing his illness. He got the good cocktail of drugs to keep him alive. Because we refused to give up. Or allow him too. He turns 73 in October. I wish everyone had a Mark story. My brother had another friend not so lucky. I made him a block for the Aids quilt, to memorialize him. Such sad memories. Love you and bless you. Oxoxox

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Dear Beautiful Friend, I am so sad to hear this about your brother and his friend. I am glad he's still here today. I remember that AIDS quilt too! wow. So sad what happened to his other friend and to so many human beings. Same in the pandemic. So much evil. History repeats. Our leaders, governments, drug companies don't see human suffering. They see power and money. The social stigma was terrible in each case. We just have to keep talking about it. Love you and bless you too Linda. oxox

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It is highly likely that a good many of our deadly viruses, including those leading to the diseases of AIDS and Covid-19, originated from non-human animals that we humans eat. It then entered the human population and spread like wildfire.

We also know that animal agriculture is not only cruel to our non-human animal companions, but also affects (and infects) us in a myriad of ways. I still eat meat, but rarely. The smart thing for me to do is to give up this habit completely.

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Perry, it's so crazy that we really don't know as much as we should. This is why I like RFK Jr., because he truly looks at our food sources and sees what is happening and what has happened to society. He sees behind the veil of corruption in the food and drug industry.

Thank you for reading this and always for thinking so passionately and deeply about things. Sending you a big hug. oxox

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Simply profound and I see you’ve come up swinging my friend. Of course I didn’t mean literally, you’re focused and the clarity here in your words is supernatural. I was taught to know God is to know love. So that said I do know God and I also love you.

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Thank you my friend. I'm up and swinging. Talking for those who can't. I am so blessed to receive all of this because I was listening to George last week, and then you and Trudi's piece added together with that. I LOVE how we are inspiring each other. God is love and we are called to love like Him because He loves us. He is so so good to us, when we don't deserve it - it's the least we can do. To love others when they aren't being loved.

Love you. oxox

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It’s funny Trudi and I wrote the pieces separately and both included Wham in a different context!!

Debbie loved Faith of course, but I’m all about the Christmas album 😉

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I love that. Cori and I wrote completely separate too and just went with it. And love those albums. Funny how certain Christmas albums are our favorites. I have several of those. I start playing them traditionally on Halloween (lol). Drove my kids mad.

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I’m happy I’m up and you haven’t gone to bed yet. lol. I worked with this woman from the Caribbean who told me where’s she’s from people leave their Christmas trees up all year! And I was like hell yeah sign me up for that! Every day could be like Christmas? I love how much kinder people are in December and always love the season 😇

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I’m supposed to be in bed and I’ve had a giggle that we are chasing each other down the feed here! ha ha! My you are up late!! I wake at 5:30. Mondays with Violet :) That sounds brilliant to me too! I think the seasons are so important for this reason. It’s why I get annoyed when summer lasts forever. Maybe I should put up a tree! ha ha! I do have my strand of Christmas lights up (I wrote about it. Of course I did!) It’s totally why I start playing Christmas music. I have a mid-century cocktail playlist that really gets me in the mood! And I do think you’re right about people being kinder or more reflective. Love you Kristin! Go to bed!! oxox

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Love you too! I worked all weekend and so fell asleep early and now ready to start my day !! lol lol

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I got such hateful looks when I went into stores without mask. I felt like I was in scyfi movie. All hateful stares but I held my ground. I had to change Drs. I finally found Christian Dr not hooked to the big corporations.

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