
You wrote: "a fourth world storm unshackled"

This is a visual line to ponder. "Third World" elicits strong images in our minds. The "fourth world" is now brought into focus by this "ode to the shopping cart man." When I think of third world, I think of a label placed on impoverished countries. The fourth world has no place of residence or home to rest their heads. The fourth world has no country, for they are outcasts in all countries. "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God". (Luke 6:20-21)


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Joel, I love the way you laid this out. I write between the lines and you are definitely connected to my thoughts on this. It felt like the next dimension to me. Gone from the world's eyes, but alive in His. I love the Beatitudes. Thank you so much for reading this and for your comment!

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Hi Deborah, thank you for this recognition of those people often ignored because people are confronted by the reality that these circumstances can and do happen to people from all walks of life, and homeless people are ignored often because of assumptions about them somehow putting themselves into these circumstances. This speaks of a widespread issue for our humanity, more compassion and empathy. Not too sure people consciously choose this for themselves. 🙏❤️🙏

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Thank you Simone for reading it and for this thoughtful comment. It’s when we are confronted that the strike of humility is key. We are truly one step away and when we hold ourselves accountable to that, we see people, we see God’s children in the mirror of others and this is what will heal nations. Your last sentence holds so much value in what I’m saying, “not too sure people “consciously” choose this for themselves.” And that is key, is hearing a higher voice so that they can choose to see what is right in front of them. Great loss will deepen this human, natural ability to “see.” Sending you a huge hug and much love friend. oxox

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Yes, we need to look in the mirror and see the reflection of others, what makes us similar, not different. Sending love and hugs back to you. 🥰

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Yesss. Love and hugs back to you to infinity. Hope you have a peaceful weekend friend. ox

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Very nice poem, Deborah, a Testament to one we call a street person. He may be forced to live this way, but then again, who are we to say he isn't happy doing what he wants with his life? To each his own they say, but the best we can do is be there for them should they reach out to us for help. Kudos on a well written message!

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Oh thank you C.J.! That means a lot to me. I think there are many nomads who love to live on the street or on the road, but for many struggling mentally and/or on drugs it's definitely horrible and frightening. It's no place to live. I'm afraid it's too out of control for many cities now. It would take a miracle to end what we are seeing and a very compassionate system put into place.

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Absolutely touching and profound message Deborah. "Wobbly Wheels" and "bags of bicycle parts" demonstrates they way society marginalizes the homeless existence. People like the shopping cart man are remnants of society. I’ve always wondered if Jesus were homeless? The Bible says Jesus didn’t have a place to lay his head. But he did wear nice clothing because even his executioners fought over his undergarments.

I take great hope and comfort to know that someday every knee will bow to Jesus. Thank you for writing this Deborah, everyone needs to read it. Have a beautiful day blessings to you, these are difficult subjects to write about. ✨💜🙏

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Thank you for reading this Charlotte. Your comment means so much. I was watching a particularly hard situation with a homeless man and his cart, yesterday, from my car at a traffic stop and all the words hit hard. It's everywhere and it's so overwhelming. I thought to myself, as I always do, he was someone's child. This is a heart issue and our country's ship must turn itself around and back to God. It's fourth world. Joel's comment below read between my lines. It's not easy to write about but it's where I put my helplessness at times, knowing God's Sovereign.

I take hope and comfort too, knowing every knee will bow. You are so kind to keep up with me. I feel so blessed by you and full of hope. Sending you much love. oxox

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A powerful poem, Deborah. It makes me think, there but for the grace of God, go I.

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Thank you so much friend! That’s such a beautiful phrase. And it’s so true. Have a lovely weekend! ox

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You too, Deborah.✨

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Great points and I love how this flows. The alone and forgotten in a song…❤️

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Thank you so much Cori! My heart broke driving yesterday up Route 66. I was stopped at a light forever watching a man struggle with his cart. I see it a lot but this one was extra sad. It truly is fourth world. ox

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I’d never heard the phrase ‘fourth world’ before. I wonder how powerful it would be to drop all those numbers and make the entirety ‘our world’. It’s more personal and doesn’t put clusters of countries or people into a box which is a coping/judgement tactic.

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Yes, the divisions we have created, the caste system of people, beginning early on. I think of the Titanic where the classes were divided and many who died were the poorest down below on the ship. It’s a disgusting debacle that worldly principalities have setup since man began. This is what my friend Joel said in response to this piece: “When I think of third world, I think of a label placed on impoverished countries. The fourth world has no place of residence or home to rest their heads. The fourth world has no country, for they are outcasts in all countries. "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God". (Luke 6:20-21)”. This is exactly what God was saying to me when I was writing. Who sees them? Who cares? He does - but until the spiritually blind come alive in the Light of His presence, this is what it looks like. God is showing us. The Bible verse given to me this week, attached to this piece is truly one to dissect. It’s a Sunday Amen I am writing. Hebrews 11:3 - We are not a bunch of different classes to God - we are His children - but it is for us to see the differences in those that put themselves into this division of classes and hold themselves higher than the other or better than the other. Like I said, aren’t we always just one step away from being like the shopping cart man? We are. We totally are. That’s humility unseen that must be seen. Thank you so much for your comment friend. It opens up thought. ox

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I see them here too. They have stories and if someone could hear and then record them, I think that would be a great help to future lost folk.

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I know many people document the homeless but recording their stories, triaging people into care areas and building those areas with all the wasted money would help make a start. Right now we have a few super expensive facilities in the country, and there's the whole thing of "hands off" versus full autonomy. It's a spiritual thing. A heart thing. Our nation has a long way to go. ox

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Yes, our nation has fallen. I know there were/are abuses in many areas of mental health care, help for addictions...you are right though; the bottom line is that lack of faith in God. A greater power than ego! :)

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Yes, and all we can do is keep praying for a great revival and possibly a second chance, after all these years, to bring on a whole new way of treating people. Maybe the private sector could build communities for the drug addicted and communities for the mentally ill, with full time employees committed to the kind of compassion and care that they need while they are given dignity, possibly things they can do, as they are assessed individually. It’s a dream - but RFK talked about farms for the drug addicted. Nature, planting, caring, getting sober, earning a small living, while living on them and becoming a productive member of society with the clarity of mind. I know it’s tougher with the mentally ill, but the street is no place for anyone. Drug addicted and/or mentally ill women are raped, beaten on the streets and that’s just one thing. Animals are abused at the highest rate ever, yet many homeless just need a companion - so these things are the long, long list of assessments. Who can have what, do what, etc. It should all be faith based. The Dream Centers are a great example. It’s all out of control now - but we can imagine and we can pray.

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Amen, Deb. That is all, sometimes.

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Thanks for writing this it brings to light what we choose not to see.

Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.

(Proverbs 31:8-9)

The world has always had its outcasts, some who choose to be, others who are put there by poverty or mental problems. Sometimes they existed in family homes and rarely saw the light of day, others who were put into institutions and were treated well or abominably depending on those who were taking care of them.

Families and institutions have been dismantled and undermined for the last 50 years, so we see these poor people on our streets.

Some of these outcasts in the time of Christ were demon possessed, and were healed by him.

Perhaps due to the poisons and stress of modern life there are more now, how to help them is more than I can understand.

But we are to defend the rights of the poor and needy as we can and have opportunity to do so:

Gal_6:10  As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

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Thank you so much for reading it Martin! These are great verses. Everything you say is true. It's devastating to see the normalization of homeless and/or homeless drug addicts, outcasts, living on the streets. It was never normal for domesticated animals and now both human and animal live in dire conditions. Coroners in Los Angeles take 5 to 7 bodies away, in body bags, everyday and former dumped pets, at the shelters, are being euthanized at the highest rate in history. It's really a heart condition across the board. A spiritual emptiness. The worship of power and money. To think what power and money can do when it comes from a spiritually intact place. All we can do is pray, be kind to one another and help where we can. It's overwhelming here and since the fires - our state is s mess.

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I think the condition of the family is at the foundation of "the heart condition" as you say, for God will send a person in the power and style of Elijah the prophet to build the family back up:

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.”

(Mal 4:5-6)

How that will play out we will just have to wait and see.

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Yesss! Martin, Satan despises the family. It is his number one priority to destroy and we see this in everything. I love this Bible verse and thank you for reminding me. We will have to wait and see, pray, that one day, every knee will bow. What a great journey for the family that will be. ox

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The shopping cart man will take tine to decide

If he wants to keep fighting the demons inside. We see these lost souls and can just hope and pray that their lives turn around to a much better day.

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I love this mom. You're our resident poet. I have learned from the best and the bar is still very high. And yes, hope and pray for a better day. Love you. oxox

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Your mom! Love shes contributing too! Love this poem, Deb …I see them often around town; definitely gives me a whole new perspective and respect. Thank you for seeing him, helping us know him! God guides you in the most wonderful ways. Love you, girlfriend! Hope all is well with everyone. 🫶☺️🥰😘

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Ahhhh! thank you friend! Yesss, mom is the original poet in the family and to this day can recite (by memory) a lot of old master poetry. The kids loved when she made up poems just for them, too, whether a clever few lines on the spot or a written poem in a card for their birthdays.

Thank you so much for reading this and for your awesome comment! It is just so heartbreaking to know how many people live on our streets. Love you back g.f.! oxox

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And there are about to be a whole lot more shopping cart men and women!

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maybe less. :)

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I'd like to hope less too.

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Hope springs eternal. :)

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