Joel, it is so interesting to see yourself as a teenager through writing. Probably why I kept all the important papers my kids wrote. We gave them some treasure boxes, recently, of their life.
And right? I'm writing that and you're joining the Navy! Handwriting letters home! It would be amazing if you could find them!! Thank you for reading!
You’re so kind Bob! It’s so fun to find yourself in mass loads of boxes! lol. When we moved from our family home to the 1953 renovation, I spent exactly 40 days (yep) downsizing. I must have made a million trips to different give away places, including the Ontario Christian School thrift collection center (our kids went to these schools) and when we moved we brought our “few” (oh brother!) treasure boxes to a storage unit. We then began reno. Seven years, this August, and our partially dirt driveway is now all paved! Finished yesterday! I think we have nothing left to do! (right!? lol) - but my John couldn’t wait to go to the unit and drag boxes home. I got lost in them and had to send an SOS out (ha ha). I feel like a mouse in my house. The memory boxes from my life, John’s and the kids, however, had been tucked away from the move to that home!! Soooo, 35 years later was pretty exciting to find that English Comp folder!
You’ve been an excellent writer for a long time. It's just wonderful, Deborah, that through your writing, you can take a journey back to a teenager and touch that person’s soul—who is you? We all change so much from life, time, and experiences. I try to go back to my gullible teens, and knowing what I know now, it’s hard to think there Deborah
Awe, Charlotte! I wanted so bad to edit that! lol lol!! It was pretty fun to find. I explained here to Bob how long they were tucked away.
I agree with you. The journal brings back those gullible, doormat moments I experienced a lot. I really hurt inside a lot during those days - but I was also a really happy, down-to-earth girl. My mom was always hurting for me saying that girls were mean and even jealous to do some of the things they did. I never wanted to believe that. But after all these years on earth there is a certain truth to that. I had such a good loving home life though, and a belief in my dreams, so that was the balance. Makes me sad that so many kids have had their childhoods stolen by bullying, online bullying being the worst, and a lack of love and interest from their parents. That tool in our hands has been a blessing and a terrible curse on families. We have to look up and work harder. Parents have to work harder. Love you Charlotte. ox
This made me laugh out loud at the end! First of all, I love you and wished we were closer in age - but none of that matters past a certain age - and second, I knew you spied on me! lol!!! Thank you for being my biggest fan. You’re a beautiful soul brother. oxox
How fabulous that you have your writing ... and the teenage angst, the awareness in the unawareness ... love it, and the poem. I love the way you conclude that you will need to depend on you. Thank you for sharing.😊🙏💜
Thank you so much Simone! It was quite the treat finding this folder! I had tucked away all my treasures in our first family home - so 35 years later I opened the box when I first started writing and then closed it again since we were renovating still. And that darn poem! I re-wrote it in a poetry block six times and it’s a huge mess on the Substack Notes phone app - but not on the general .com website or Notes on a computer… or held sideways on the website Notes on a phone (I think it’s working without holding it sideways) Drove me crazy because I did this before and it was fine. So thank you so much for reading it and not losing your eyeballs. I felt embarrassed as it was a mess. It’s not fluid, site to site, with the poetry block anymore I guess.
Oh good! whew! You must have used the computer! It was very pretty when I first set it and I ended up having to re-do it several times and move it over to the left which finally made it work somewhat on the phone. Thank you for letting me know! Sending you my love. ox
Do you know how many people cannot write in script today?
It was interesting to see the world through the eyes of a 17-Year-old.
When I look at it, I cannot believe I joined the Navy at 17. It is frightening. I was writing letters. I wonder if I can find any of them.
Joel, it is so interesting to see yourself as a teenager through writing. Probably why I kept all the important papers my kids wrote. We gave them some treasure boxes, recently, of their life.
And right? I'm writing that and you're joining the Navy! Handwriting letters home! It would be amazing if you could find them!! Thank you for reading!
So easy to see your gift in the writings of a little girl! You've had a magnificent way of communicating from the very beginning!
You’re so kind Bob! It’s so fun to find yourself in mass loads of boxes! lol. When we moved from our family home to the 1953 renovation, I spent exactly 40 days (yep) downsizing. I must have made a million trips to different give away places, including the Ontario Christian School thrift collection center (our kids went to these schools) and when we moved we brought our “few” (oh brother!) treasure boxes to a storage unit. We then began reno. Seven years, this August, and our partially dirt driveway is now all paved! Finished yesterday! I think we have nothing left to do! (right!? lol) - but my John couldn’t wait to go to the unit and drag boxes home. I got lost in them and had to send an SOS out (ha ha). I feel like a mouse in my house. The memory boxes from my life, John’s and the kids, however, had been tucked away from the move to that home!! Soooo, 35 years later was pretty exciting to find that English Comp folder!
You’ve been an excellent writer for a long time. It's just wonderful, Deborah, that through your writing, you can take a journey back to a teenager and touch that person’s soul—who is you? We all change so much from life, time, and experiences. I try to go back to my gullible teens, and knowing what I know now, it’s hard to think there Deborah
Awe, Charlotte! I wanted so bad to edit that! lol lol!! It was pretty fun to find. I explained here to Bob how long they were tucked away.
I agree with you. The journal brings back those gullible, doormat moments I experienced a lot. I really hurt inside a lot during those days - but I was also a really happy, down-to-earth girl. My mom was always hurting for me saying that girls were mean and even jealous to do some of the things they did. I never wanted to believe that. But after all these years on earth there is a certain truth to that. I had such a good loving home life though, and a belief in my dreams, so that was the balance. Makes me sad that so many kids have had their childhoods stolen by bullying, online bullying being the worst, and a lack of love and interest from their parents. That tool in our hands has been a blessing and a terrible curse on families. We have to look up and work harder. Parents have to work harder. Love you Charlotte. ox
I was 11 & had no clue what was going on in my teenage sisters mind. This was awesome & another window into your heart & soul that I never knew ❤
I was also consumed with drums, soccer & spying on you with your boyfriends, lol
This made me laugh out loud at the end! First of all, I love you and wished we were closer in age - but none of that matters past a certain age - and second, I knew you spied on me! lol!!! Thank you for being my biggest fan. You’re a beautiful soul brother. oxox
How fabulous that you have your writing ... and the teenage angst, the awareness in the unawareness ... love it, and the poem. I love the way you conclude that you will need to depend on you. Thank you for sharing.😊🙏💜
Thank you so much Simone! It was quite the treat finding this folder! I had tucked away all my treasures in our first family home - so 35 years later I opened the box when I first started writing and then closed it again since we were renovating still. And that darn poem! I re-wrote it in a poetry block six times and it’s a huge mess on the Substack Notes phone app - but not on the general .com website or Notes on a computer… or held sideways on the website Notes on a phone (I think it’s working without holding it sideways) Drove me crazy because I did this before and it was fine. So thank you so much for reading it and not losing your eyeballs. I felt embarrassed as it was a mess. It’s not fluid, site to site, with the poetry block anymore I guess.
It wasn’t a mess on my screen, just a lovely weaving pattern down the page 😊
Oh good! whew! You must have used the computer! It was very pretty when I first set it and I ended up having to re-do it several times and move it over to the left which finally made it work somewhat on the phone. Thank you for letting me know! Sending you my love. ox
Yes, l was on my computer. Love to you too 😊❤️