Deb, I missed this in my overcrowded inbox the other day, and wow, am I blessed to have found it now. I had no idea that people were living underground in sewers, what a sad and sorry state of affairs, how inhumane and degrading. This is an important subject and yeah, I can’t see it getting any better, either, with the current policies and methods.

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It’s so sad Jenn. I feel like it’s the number one crisis in America. We don’t treat human beings like this. It feels like God’s wrath gets more and more evident. Thank you for reading. It was long, but important. ox

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Very important, thank you for taking it on, bringing attention to it. It feels like a quiet crisis because no one else is talking about it.

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This is such an important article. People don’t realize how this all came about but it proves what a dismal failure these policies produced.

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Thank you Alison. It’s our largest crisis I believe. Not taking care of humans drugged out, homeless and dying will only continue to deteriorate our society. God can’t be happy about it :(

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That Deborah for addressing this horrible situation without any end in sight. Your information is spot on and well curated! 👏💫

This is what I have to say— I lived it! My mother was an RN at a state hospital, and I had a brother needing to be placed. One of the main purposes they said to close the hospitals was to “end the inappropriate, indefinite, and involuntary commitment of mentally disordered persons, people with developmental disabilities, and persons impaired by chronic alcoholism, and to eliminate legal disabilities” That sounds real noble, but the reality is many, many, individuals who needed to stay in state hospitals indefinitely were let out on the streets by the thousands. Of course, there was abusing the state hospitals where families would commit a loved one for life,

deprivingbtgat individual of their civil rights and sovereignty. those were so few and far between. But it was used as one of the reasons to close the hospitals. and the hospitals didn’t close entirely. The one my mother worked in here where I live was turned into a prison for the mentally ill. So if you are a schizophrenic on the street and you commit a crime, you go to that hospital instead of jail. A friend of mine son is schizophrenic and he is in an out of that hospital all the time. He has almost killed people and yet they continually let him out. Before the Reagan days, he would never have been let out of the state hospital. But here he is today, out on the street and very dangerous. He just knifed a guy in the neck the other day. he’s an adult, and there isn’t a thing his mother can do except provide him a place to live when he’s not in the jail hospital. So that's pretty messed up. he’s just one example. Why should he have any sovereignty, I don’t know? but the politicians packed in the late 60s and early 70s thought people like him should have their rights. Well, he has his rights!

The reason I moved back to my hometown after my mother and sister passed away is because my older brother is in a home. So after the hospitals closed, Those with down syndrome etc. were automatically put in home environments. In my opinion this was a good thing. My brother was young one for 30 years and he did well. And he was fortunate enough to live in one which offered a real home environment. in fact there is a home right here on our ranch which houses six residents— all elderly with down syndrome‘s or other issues.

My brother grew up normal, but because of epilepsy, and brain injury when he was a toddler, (he had been ran over by a car on his head and almost died) as he became an adult he had several epileptic seizures which I left him more brain injured. Eventually my mother had to advocate on his behalf to have him put in a home. Let me tell you he belongs in a home but the state found our family to the nail to not provide him a placement. Leaving him high and dry and out on the street. Cold and horrible. But my mother knew the system well because of her high position in the industry and after a lot of hard work and time was able to place him in a home. And he needed to be in one. Had she not done that and not been able to care for him, he would have been out on the street.

The hospitals were closed for the reasons you’ve discovered— drugs…AND to save M O N E Y 🤑

Initially, mental health advocates pushed for community-based mental health facilities that would replace the closed mental hospitals. But that never happened because even though post-Reagan the legislature was still controlled by Democrats, no major funding for new community-based mental health facilities ever occurred. And that situation basically is still the case today.”

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Yet they claim they are doing "good" by confronting the small problem of institutionalization for a small number of people. As you say however there are many who should for their and societies mental and physical health be kept in some form of detention.

This problem was portrayed in the 1975 movie "one flew over the Cuckoos Nest" I think this film significantly affected how people think on this issue.

Politicians love to get the limelight (which is a term from the theatre) but they are not willing to admit their mistakes, and it seems even the next generation of politician is not willing to change those mistakes.

Reagan, being an actor, was the greatest example of parading and loud mouthing but not actually doing any good for anyone and left a legacy of stupid decisions that nobody could confront without major spending.

Actors have a lot to answer for!!!

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Ironically the first actors showed up in Mesopotamia where they would take the place of busy politicians, royalty and prominent individuals at public meetings, etc. Nothing much has changed.

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Oh yesss they did!! Nothing is new under the sun God says.

"What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9

Sending my love to you Charlotte! ox

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Dearest Charlotte, thank you for pouring your heart out here and for telling the real life experience that is our abusive and careless system. When I read through this my heart aches to know how many other families have had to deal with this, over and over again. I hear my youngest talk to me about a patient, that he can't say much about, other than the fact that his mother begged and begged and begged to get him into a safe environment, while she tried to raise her other children and work. I said to him, like with your mother, how many people, even mothers, have mad, never-ending energy, to fight the system? It breaks most people down, destroys families, impoverishes them, and many just give up, let their loved ones go, lay awake praying. Some, like you mention are injured or even die by their own disturbed adult children - or they are injuring others on the streets, and/or being abused on the streets.

I believe, this is our most important crisis and until something changes our country will continue to be brought to it's knees. Until all who exalt themselves above God are crashed to the ground. Love you Charlotte. I am so very sorry for all your family has been put through and I am grateful for you to speak about it. God Bless. ox

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Are we in the End Times due to the callousness of people to the homeless?

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

(Mat 24:12-14)

We certainly have the iniquity abounding and love waxing cold!!

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Martin, thank you so much for reading and commenting here. I've been out of town in my mom's small rural town. This is a perfect verse. We are truly waxing cold as a society and I believe since the pandemic many of us are far more awake to feeling it. I spent years covering L.A. politicians and I saw the theater.

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The problem of homelessness is becoming a major issue in Australia also.

Not that there are not enough homes that are empty, but the governments don't encourage landlords to rent them out as the increase in value due to prices syrocketing over the past few years has meant it is better to just by and let them sit empty and increase in value.

Also the govt makes it difficult for landlords to get any compensation for damage and this also discourages them.

Governments know the cause and the cure but have no love for anyone but the developers who pay for the next housing development, claiming there is a housing shortage.

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It's amazing to me how leaders lie with impunity and the people accept it as truth. So many schemes for profit, all at the expense of the people who have worked for a common man's dream. It's evil. We have had a little electric shop (my husband and 2 employees) for 20 years that we hoped would be our retirement. Rent it out in a few years when my husband is 65 as our retirement income. Land developers want it for nothing to build government deemed "stack and pack" apartments. Like vultures. No more homes will be built in California either. Soon the city will force it. We just don't know when. They will change business zoning to residence only we believe. It's our livelihood but government in California hates private business owners. They over regulate and put the boot on the neck of dreamers and doers. The individual. I'm really sorry it's happening in Australia Martin :(

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Reagan’s origram was instituted in Australia, as well as all of America.

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I don't think one person can be responsible for what happens now or what has happened in the past. It's so many things but mostly I see it as Satan having all the toys and sparkly things and he talks to people in such a way as to convince them that there is no harm in doing whatever it is that makes you rich, happy, popular, fun, well-fed and satiated. Satan does this not because he loves us and can't wait to see us in the next life. Yeah, he hates God and since all he wants is to hurt God by taking His children and his creations and destroying them. While God whispers to us with love; quietly He teaches us about growth, energy, kindness, beauty, honour, gentleness, patience, gratitude, sharing, and looking for truth always. God never dictates.

So yes, I do believe that this is truly a spiritual battle we have had going since God created everything. It's been a story of ups and downs, good and evil, redemption and despair. We are living our part of it now and since I can't know all of history since the beginning of consciousness, I can't say if this might be the End Times but it sure seems like it is. However, we must keep our feet on the ground while looking up and outward with hope, while we continue to believe in and trust God , love Him always and love His creation and appreciate His creation for what it is.

That's just me, the practical but also emotional person that I am. And I don't know everything and I don't like most labels or slogans. They're okay for a little while, and then they don't work anymore. Let go and let God works for me, and so does, Be still and know that I am God. Jesus, I trust in you. Holy Spirit, give me wisdom and courage work also.

As humans, we are weak and needy. And we need to be led from the time we are born and we trust that what we become is going to be good. Then BOOM! We're on our own and we have to lead sometimes, and at least be the leader in our own life and depending on our childhood, many times we don't know how to lead in a way that is good and righteous for ourselves and for others.

Deb, when I read this, I thought I had nothing to say because the whole world seems to be on the brink of something bad. What can I say to take away that knowledge or to change it? Once you know, you know and there is no hiding place. I'm grateful for your writings. I think you should write a book and I think it would be very encouraging and educational for a lot of lost humans out there, including me who is sometimes really lost. God bless you and may He bless every word that you write, say or type for us. Much love and many blessings!

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"I do believe that this is truly a spiritual battle we have had going since God created everything. It's been a story of ups and downs, good and evil, redemption and despair. We are living our part of it now and since I can't know all of history since the beginning of consciousness, I can't say if this might be the End Times but it sure seems like it is. However, we must keep our feet on the ground while looking up and outward with hope, while we continue to believe in and trust God , love Him always and love His creation and appreciate His creation for what it is."

Love this Jenni. Thank you. I appreciate you reading this and leaving such a beautiful, thoughtful comment. It does feel we are on our own, but we know He won't leave us. Not if we follow and crave to live each day asking Him what He's got for us, praying and respecting others and ourselves. The gift of life. I believe until all of our leaders put God before themselves and their political power games nothing will change and the degradation of man will continue. We definitely must trust He has a plan for us and for our country and the world. I believe things will probably get worse before they get better and we might not be alive to see it. There is a great revival going on in the world that we never hear about - but it's happening. It's really happening. We must hold onto that.

And just when I was thinking that dabbling with fiction would be fun! you suggest I write a non-fiction book! lol. You are way too kind and I can't thank you enough for your support and encouragement. It means the world to me and keeps me going. I am thinking of you and your family and hold you in my prayers. Thank you again Jenni. Much love to you and your family. ox

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Fiction is cool too! You can do both!

You are also in my prayers as are so many in our Substack Family. God is working in us.

I truly believe also that we will have some hard times coming and that we may not be alive to see the outcome of all of this but we are playing our part when God leads us!!! <3

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I wonder if I’ll ever dabble in a book! It’s funny because long before I was writing, my friends from high school would tell me to make a book of photography with words. There were many times I also thought I’d write for children (a long time ago). I have a few ideas. Thank you for your support and kindness. It really pushes me in a good way and I need it! Also, I agree. Tough times ahead and God is preparing our hearts. We must pray over this Substack family and all our loved ones and friends. Buckle up right? Sending you a big hug. ox

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If only those in power really wanted to help instead of creating enabling agendas & woeful ideologies to keep that controlled wealth in the tower above the forgotten.

"When one reaches out to help another he touches the face of God"

- Walt Whitman

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Dear Brother, I love this Walt Whitman quote. and it's true. If you read what my dear friend Jacqui wrote below, the characteristics of end times are there and have been there for quite a while. "Banal cruelty and indifference" - a Godless society lead by example. I still pray for massive Revival in America and for God to save us. Love you. ox

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This Is such a great piece of journalism. Thank you for always bringing the heart and the facts. Few people today think of Governor Reagan when we say Reagan.

The timeline helps me understand the chord that connected good intentions with the interests that became such a massive failure. End times are characterized by a loss of love for others; a coldness that sets itself apart in banal cruelty of indifference.

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Dear Friend, thank you so much! I wrote so much of my heart out lately and just walked away! I agree about Reagan. We don't seem to remember him as a Governor. I love research and it's amazing how God can point me in directions that make sense (at least to me!). Yes, the intentions were good, and so typical with government how it stops there. Gov. Reagan stopped the funding for new institutions because he saw that it was not being spent the way allocated. Those in charge of funneling that money into new institutions were filtering souls through already set-up programs that were overcrowded and saw them on the streets as fast as they entered. The process was "easier" for them. As you describe the character of end times it most definitely feels cold, indifferent and cruel.

Also, my beautiful friend... what on earth did you do by paying for a subscription? I was completely taken aback and wished I could figure out a way to do an auto refund but it's not setup by me! You most definitely didn't need to do that and I can't thank you enough for thinking I was worthy! I'm gonna owe you a great meal when I see you! love, deb oxox

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Jul 28
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Dear Kristin,

Thank you for your comment and inside perspective. I think I answered someone on a different post about our vets. It's so sad. You are 100% spot on. People are dying while blame is being handed out all these years. It's honestly all so sickening what has happened to society. Without even talking about the homeless drug addicted, there are thousands of people, as you say, who enter the hospital to get a standard surgery, like shoulder surgery, etc., and they come out with an opioid prescription for pain that leaves them addicted and eventually unable to cope. This has been going on forever. We know people who have taken their lives as a result of this addiction. It's so hard to believe that I went in for emergency surgery, (gallbladder out) five weeks ago, and I was put on massive opioids and sent home with them. We tossed them and my husband was furious. We were told "it was the good kind?" What? There is a never ending amount of things to say about this crisis. I feel it's our most important and our country will continue to go down hill until things change. Praying for your strength. It must hurt so bad :( ox

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Jul 29
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Hi Kristin, I can totally see all that you have to do, but I also feel your heart and discernment in all of this and how much the system has corrupted everything. It's so sad to know that so many patients are released without any support and I can see how the whole drug spiral happens. We have to hold accountable the right entities. But there are times, we also have to make a stand. We will always know when that time will be. In the meantime you have a love and passion for people and we really need you there. I was so blessed by an incredible group of nurses and doctors. If Kaiser does anything right (and I can snarl over the word "Kaiser") it's an emergency. How unfortunate it has to come to that now. We always say we liked "the old Kaiser, or the old system." And thank you... I have NEVER felt so good. It's been a big deal :). ox

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