Jul 26Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

You know it's good poetry when you feel those goosebumps! I got chills reading this, the emotion could be felt and its when you feel do you really begin to understand. Thank you for sharing.

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Wow, thank you so much for this. I feel so grateful for your comment! Thank you for reading and for inspiring me to keep going. It really means so much. I hope you're enjoying the weekend. ox

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We have Mormon Cultists that have cut off their own bloodlines and spouses so your name really resonates. The thing about state treatment services is you have to build an apparatus of homeless/displaced services in addition to treatment options. Red states like OR and mine, CO just don't do that out in the rural areas where the methheads are the worst. Whatever ideas you have Ill listen because the pills and meth are killing these small towns.

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Hi Deacon, it's honestly so out of control I believe that it will only get worse. People are dying daily and it definitely doesn't feel like America. My youngest son works with the drug addicted and mentally ill. He feels, after working a few years, the loss of autonomy and mental facilities and/or drug rehab facilities must come back. In terms of small towns, it seems that they are "historically" the forgotten. These were the places of very little opportunity, unless you worked on your family farm or left -- so they are now at the end of the line, if that makes sense, for any type of resource, which there are really none and if there are any, it goes to the modern day homeless that we are seeing in large cities. Free needles, free care kits. This has also set our vets to the back of the line. Our leaders look away and bus the homeless out to the deserts in California basically to die. This has been going on for a long time. I wrote this here: https://deborahthewitt.substack.com/p/end-times

We are a drugged society... by design.

I wish I had answers.

Thank you for caring.

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Jul 25Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Great post Deborah!! The same thing happened in Saskatchewan, the centrally located prairie province where I grew up, albeit many years ago - back in the 80s. There are far more corporate owned farms now than family farms. The socialist government that ran the province for decades invited the foreign owned corporations - Big Ag - into the province to 'help the family farmers'. It only took a few years before the help ended up owning the land.

Dear land of the free - release it back to thee!

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Thank you so much Penny! What a story :( It's sickening. But more sickening is how no one seems to care. They ask? what happened to that great local produce and that sweet family? Then they shrug their shoulders and move on. I keep saying, we need to pray hard that God has a better plan for America. Perhaps a rebirth. Never perfect, but it seemed like the last frontier of true freedom. It's scary to live in times where that last bastion is sinking. ox

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Jul 26Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

It is scary and you're right - people are disconnected from their communities. I think - and I hope - that God has a better plan for all of us! Canada sunk way faster than America. There is still a lot of hope for America I feel!! Hold on Deb - it's a rocky ride but we're going to be ok! Hugs to you my friend!!

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Yes, hold on to hope. And prayer. Lots of prayer. Hugging you back Penny! ox

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Jul 25Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Truth...give it back to thee

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Yes. We must pray brother. For our littles. For Violet, Asher, Siena and Kiki and all the children who are being sold out. Love you. ox

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Jul 25Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Deb, this is beautiful and poignant and heartfelt and I feel the crushing emotion. ❤️

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Thank you so much Jenn. I get so many emotions driving through the back country here. I don't get how a lot of people are buying unsustainable hateful agendas and missing what is important. But then I do get it. The devil is good at his job. Ours is to do better. We are the change towards each other and we have prayer., which is mighty. oxox

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Jul 26Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Yes, the mighty power of prayer is ours to use ❤️

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Jul 24Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Beautiful pictures and powerful, evocative words. It's sad watching our country and the birthright of future generations being sold out for the enrichment of a few. This state of affairs can't continue and a course correction is inevitable.

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Thank you Joe! It is sad and that's what I think about. Our grandchildren and our great grandchildren and so forth. Sold out. It makes my heart hurt. However, what we "can do" is to love one another, move on when it hurts and pray for people (who are buying into hateful agendas) and inspire the young to push hard, grow a backbone and achieve their purpose in life. To fight for the good and for what is true and right. ox

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It is amazing the things we focus on when our own food system is being handed over to banks. It’s awful.

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Alison, isn't it? All by design. All behind the backs of the mind-bent. Too focused on the next government/media agenda. It's insanity. Keep writing your incredible stories and keep dreaming. ox

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We are stardust! Beautiful poetry Deb!

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WE ARE STARDUST! We will never stop being ourselves! Thank you friend. Sending you my love always. oxox

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I love it too! I loved the pics on IG too… your family, your home away from home ❤️ Rural areas bring feeling and longing, wonder and awe… and your creative juices flowing! This is a beautiful one, friend… we are all dreamers- spreading stardust as we soar! Love you! Enjoy your travels, sweet girl! ❤️🥰🤗

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Dear Joan, these areas always leave me with a melancholy and a deep appreciation for people who just want better. They want to wake up in the morning and do their work without a government boot bringing them to their knees. It's really something. People who aren't haters of other people - they just live a circumstance that a lot of the rest of this country can't understand - yet they eat their food and consume their beef. They've given up on anyone caring. I just want to express that no one should ever give up on a dream no matter what, but that we should find a way to not let government/media divide us when so many of us stand on mutual ground. Sending you my love from smalltown USA! Poor John is quite sick, which never happens - so we are very blessed to be with family loving on him and bringing him soup. oxox

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Oh my…so sorry for your hubby! Sending get well soon wishes for him! I agree; we must accept others that live differently then us…with the same respect and dignity we give our own. Your heart is full, I can tell! Thank you for caring so much! Love and hugs and healing prayers for John. 🫶❤️🙏

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Thank you so much friend! We are feeling a little of the head cold, but hoping to fight it. Blessed to have each other and a comfortable home to get well - but we do worry about mom!! Love and hugs back to you. oxoxox

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Jul 24Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I LOVE that lil 'ole farmhouse! Such great lines - could really be something!

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Isn't it the sweetest. Looks proper 1940's to me. It could really be something. I get that same feeling every time we drive by.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I think back to the very first settlers and all that they endured to farm this land and I can’t help but wonder what they would think of these foreign entities buying up the land that the first American settlers fought so hard for. For what purpose? And why are so many of the large chunks of land that the Chinese have bought so close to military bases? We live in scary, uncertain times.

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Foreign settlers? I think they are from the USA.

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Hi Gracia, for a long time the government and/or extremely wealthy entities of China have been buying land in America. It's a well known fact and in many states farmers are selling out or deals have been made, through bad acting, that have, in turn gone to this ownership. I was an editorial photographer for many years and I covered a Los Angeles city council member who sold, for personal profit (illegal), land to Chinese entities. Not thinking they are "settlers" - Just buying up our land for whatever reason they might have. Lots of building. Hope that makes sense. Lots going on that we don't really think about or know about. In the meantime, the Chinese government commits atrocities against human beings for practicing a certain religion and has forced slavery. The Chinese "people" are a good people - The government is communist and we should not be dealing with them or their rich entities working for them.

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Dear Kristi, everything you say here is exactly where our natural thoughts should land. Who knows if the idea of America will remain standing. It will take a lot of trust in a Sovereign God and a miracle to turn the sinking ship around. I can't stand knowing land is being sold to governments who imprison and abuse it's citizens and sponsor wars by those who do the same. Sending my love to you from Oregon. Poor John is very sick :(. That never happens! ox

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I agree! The only hope I see is a leader who can and will change things.

Sending prayers to John. 🙏 I hope he feels better soon.

Hope you have a nice visit.


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Profound. As someone in Portland for more than half a decade, this is on the nose and so painfully true that it’s killing me. I adore this state for its vast array of lands, and at the end of the day the folks in Portland and Salem are letting the fox make off with the hen house. It’s really disturbing to watch. I feel badly as a native Pennsylvanian - we also traded the hen house away and it turned out very poorly for us, too.

I was hoping Oregon was different. I guess I’m just too late to see it, perhaps.

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Hey Rich, I know what you mean about adoring this state. My parents moved to Oregon in the early 90's to Lincoln City (that's another government control crazy story of what happened to Road's End - which I wrote about) - reminded them of the English seaside where we came from. It's so obnoxious that all the big cities, pretty much, (like Los Angeles too) decide everyone's fate. "Democracy!" I'm sorry to hear that you thought it would be better. Funny, I have an artist friend, who moved away from her family in Oregon, to PA, and, although a love of, as you say, the vast array of lands, the beauty, she feels the same in the opposite direction. Not thinking there's a "better." Honestly, it's the people you surround yourself with at the end of the day. Out here in the country, near Stayton, it's different. You don't feel anything but peace and a sense of how hard the farmers work and how much they love the land, which makes me sad, as we drive through to see the abandoned farms :( But there's also a lot of poverty. Just no one going to mess with anyone out here. This is where grit lives and dreams can be made with hard work - so sad to see the government squeeze those dreams dead.

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Sad indeed. Thank you for the kind and very heartfelt reply ❤️

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Jul 24Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Thanks for Louie!

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Ahhhh yess! Louie! My sweet 88 yr old mama was sitting with me as I ran this piece by her (since she's the best and I'm so fortunate to be visiting her!) and she began to sing that song!

Perfect. All the best to you always Charles! ox

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I have a strong emotional connection to Oregon.It was my Dad’s home for years before he sired me. He managed advertising for the Portland Oregonian. We are an ag family, so we were always connected to the land in both Oregon and in California, where I reside in the Central Valley. Growing up -every farm was family owned. Over the last 40 years corporations and China especially have crept in and own most of the 100 mile radius of farmland around Fresno. This area produces more produce then anywhere in the world, and feeds most the United States, and a lot of the world.

Oregon, unfortunately is falling the same way. Banks grabbing up farms and offering predatory loans to desperate farmers. The farm I live on was once owned by a family who are worth about $60 million. They owned several wineries in Napa and most of the grapes in the area where I live. They build a cold storage unit back in the 60s so they could sell their grapes at the highest market price. One year was a bad one, because of an El Niño, and they lost a lot of crops. But it didn’t really set them back. But regardless an attorney who also worked for the bank convinced them to take out a loan to cover their taxes that year, and they would be able to make up all of their loss, and profit more in a few short years. They signed on the dotted line. One thing they didn’t look was a little clause which gave only the bank full approval to release grapes from cold storage. So for the next several years grapes sat and rotted in storage bankrupting the family. They went from being multi millionaires who hosted senators and presidents right here on the ranch where I live to complete poverty relying on food stamps.

Control the food, control the people.

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Wow… just wow, I had no idea …that beautiful aggie land is not “land of the free!” 😠😢

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Dear Charlotte,

Thank you for this! As my dad would say, "UNBELIEVABLE." Actually sickening. How is it that the very people who eat off of our farmers, their painstaking work, and enjoy their wine, the incredible goodness of "local," not see with their own eyes or care about what is happening? They are so caught up in the devil's brainwashing about the latest government agenda it's all a big joke. It's all by design, as we say.

No one has ever wanted to hear how hard my John works to keep a private business going. He chose to be his own independent, non-union, electrical contractor, like his dad and brother, and in California, especially, it's a never-ending hellfire of regulations of hoops and wheels - but he is a dreamer. He is made of grit. You tell him "no" - he says YES. That's who came here to build this country. And the farmer feeds them!!! Love you Charlottle. ox

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Jul 24Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Brings to mind a Willie Nelson lyric written from the perspective of a farmer as a banker offers crocodile tears as he repos the family farm: The banker, he ain't my friend, and I'll rise again.

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Joe, this made my skin crawl. Like in the movies. How can people not see this? But this. THIS. Can make or break a man. Most humans with big dreams? There's nothing stopping them. They fight harder. ox

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Jul 24Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Yikes! Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered...

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Orwell :)

You're the best Bob. We're with my mum and brother in Oregon, after our standard roadtrip. Sadly, John is quite sick but finally feeling a bit better. He's NEVER sick so it's unfortunate, however we are so blessed for the comfort of a home with family around bringing him soup and love. Still praying for your healing, your mom, your whole family and your book success. ox

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I’ve read all the comments dear Deb…and your post again. So much more clear to me now, was I under a rock??? 🤪I despise the banks and corps. Buying name rights to our beloved stadiums, football fields, concert venues etc. There’s a few wealthy families here in MI that want their name on everything so just buy it! 🤨In my small town…we eat from local farmer’s markets…even thru winter. I believe Pres Biden wants legislation to oversee corporate power… beyond how much they control media! That started years ago….why we moved so much…the hometown newspaper was bought by big money and he wanted no part of it. Praying democracy wins… our govt will halt it/lessen it going forward for my grkids.

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Dear Joan, oh what a crazy trip it's been to my mom's! I so appreciate your kindness. I took my post down about my brother's dog. Don't know why? Anyways, now we're praying Miss Gigi doesn't have bone cancer :(. She's the sweetest girl. Nine years old and a rescue lab. We love her so much. It was so sudden. From busy lab chasing balls to this. And the sickness in the house! So far mom and I are still hanging in there.

In regards to all of this here in this post - I don't think any administration, for many years, has cared to prevent this, if not sell it off themselves. I saw a lot as a photographer covering politics in Los Angeles. Much has to change and as my dear friend says "May every thing that exalts itself above God be crashed to the ground. Politicians, Kings, scientists, fame seekers who pretend to value humanity but are ambivalent to suffering.” Too many people have been suffering and too many leaders aren't doing anything about it. I haven't seen Godly leaders probably ever. Sending you my love always. ox

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All our grandchildren! ❤️

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Jul 26Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

So sorry John is not well - is it exhaustion, and the let-down of finally getting some rest? My best to you and your family. Please keep praying for the healing - it's working!

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Oh thanks Bob. It’s been super rough and the rest of us are now feeling it a little. But just a little - so all good. I was telling him “you’re an island” before we left and sure enough! He does way too much. So, yes. Vacation let down. A first in many years. I have not ceased praying for your healing and so glad to hear it’s going well. ox

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Yep! 🐖

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Jul 24Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Dear fellow dreamer I can see the decline happening here it makes me cry , when l am powerless to do anything and l fear for all my family and the innocent people and animals, who are being poisoned every day.These demons are not human .I know God is in charge in this world we inhabit, l pray for God to stop the demons.I believe that God's people on this earth are struggling to keep going and we do keep going by Gods grace.God bless you and yours.🙏🕊️♥️.

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Oh Dear Mary, fellow dreamer -- thank you for reading and for your comment. I am impassioned to tell my fellow man to keep their minds and keep their dreams. To do "you." The world is a hard place, Satan is on it every second of the day swallowing up minds -- yet goodness and His Sovereignty can and will always battle those demons back. God Bless you and yours as well. oxox

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Jul 24Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I love this Deborah.


Visionary. 🔥


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Cannot thank you enough for this. I admire you very much Julie. We are the change and no one can take our minds. oxox

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Jul 25Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

We certainly are my friend xx

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