Aug 3·edited Aug 3Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

My heart goes out to everyone and every animal and plant that have suffered through these horrible fires the last four or five years. I remember the summer of Covid 2020 being smothered in smoke from the Pier Fire here near Sequoia. The fairgrounds, and airport are just a few short miles from our ranch. The fairgrounds were used as an encampment for refugees from the fire. And the airport was used as a base station for the firefighters. I drove by the fairgrounds and my heart would go out to all the people and all of their animals. Tons of livestock trucks were parked. Many animals safe in all the pens. ❤️‍🔥😔

A relative of ours who lived in Paradise was lost in the fire. His ID continued to be used by someone collecting his Social Security checks. Authorities never stopping it.

Reading your story and poem reminded me of my own experiences. Fortunately out of these Phoenixes more beautiful trees, plants, animals and people caring for God‘s country will be born. Your poem conveys that message — the cycle of life and death, and the intertwining of the physical and spiritual realms. Bless you, @Deborah T. Hewitt , thank you! 💜✨🙏

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Dear Charlotte, I am with you all the way on this. I get sick in my stomach with every fire (and with earthquakes - as we were in the epicenter for the '71 quake and I was 10) - since we went through one - then they just got worse. The death and destruction has been insurmountable. I am so sorry about your relative from Paradise. What a horrific way to die and then your identity is stolen and no help is coming. Disgusting.

Yes, God is good to grow life back and see people rebuild. It's quite emotional. I remember crying when I saw the first little bunny, about three years after the Grand Prix Fire. Thank you for the love and support always. Bless you always Charlotte. oxox

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Aug 1Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Your words capture life beautifully. Thanks for sharing this. ❤️

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Anna, thank you so very much. Thank you for reading. ox

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Deborah, what an incredible poem and pictures to go along with this story of the challenges your and your family have faced. I love that you found a glimmer of hope in the last lines about “there was Jesus.” It’s that hope and realization that will get you through these times. Many blessings to you ✨✨✨

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Dear Victory,

Thank you so much. Coming from you that means a lot. It was so good to reflect and see a rebirth of a place that burned to the ground. The memories of that time and dad passing was oddly good for my soul. Makes all the trivial things seem just that. A reminder that He's still there and rebirth continues on...

Sending you much love. ox

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You’re very welcome dearest Deborah. You know Dad will always be with you in spirit and may those fond memories get you through this time. Sending back love 🧡 VP

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Hope to see it someday Deborah.

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There’s a poem here Deborah. Something about the places that travel through us (maybe the poem’s title?) that these places literally go through us, absorbed by us into our bloodstream, the rivers, the sunsets, the cities and towns, the memories, etc. sorry I’m puking all this out in this way but maybe it’ll inspire you? Have a wonderfilled weekend l! Oxox

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Victory! Funny you said that! I have something in drafts and maybe I should go back to it :). I LOVE that you inspired me and I adore the way you think. Thank you. Have a peaceful weekend. oxox

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Thank you dear Victory. It's funny how you walk through grief, and if you're okay and don't have unfinished business or guilt (both hard) it turns to something beautiful. All these places that travel through us with our missing loved ones become life lessons, sweet memories, grateful moments. It's a good thing. Sending you much love always. ox

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Jul 31Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Beautiful song! Thanks for sharing the story and the pix

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Thank you so much for reading Jules :)

I so appreciate it. ox

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Jul 31Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

These pictures are so stunning! Wow! I’m so sorry to hear of your hard times, both right now and the past fire your family went through. Someone said to me recently that when things seem crazy, chaotic, or bad, in an upheaval state— it means God is planning something. It was comforting to think about that, and I hope things improve for you and your family soon. Sending hugs to you.

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Thank you so much Jenn. Felt good to get out of the house and reflect. Feeling blessed. The memories are always there. Right now it’s so sad to see so many people evacuated from fires everywhere and in Canada and all the loss :(

I think you’re right - God is always planning something. And we are lucky to grab it and grow from it. Never easy, but that is life on earth. Sending hugs back. ox

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Aug 2Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

So true. Pain and suffering are a part of it, and I hope yours have lessened, my friend ❤️

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Grief and pain have definitely become more beautiful in the letting go and letting God. Life is good. Sending you a big virtual hug Jenn. ox

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Aug 2Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Hugs returning to you ❤️

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I feel your heart…being there with family right now; recalling this time, the horrible NoCal fires. I had friends and family lose everyhing… not their lives though. Jesus was there. I see and feel Jesus in these

Photos, Deb. You capture such beauty… just as you do with your words painting the picture in poetry. Bob is right… every piece is better, hiting our hearts more than the last, dear friend. Jesus cares and speaks to us thru you. This is brilliant in all the ways, sweet girl. God Bless your family and May all recover and heal soon. Love you! 🙏❤️🙏💫✨

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Dear Joan, I feel sick every time I see these fires. Our family went through it in a big way, took out our backyard - it's a whole story. We got so blessed to keep our home. It was the first of a never ending series. Each one worse than the other :(

Thank you for your support and kindness. I feel it and it inspires me greatly. The drive was so good for my soul. Seeing the new growth, the re-building, the happy gatherings at the lake. It was a terrible fire. I know dad would be happy to see life coming back in the canyon. God Bless you and your family too. We are doing better today. Mom and I still standing the strongest and very grateful for it! Love you. oxox

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And the song…I’m listening over and over as I think of you there right now. Hugs and prayers, sweetie… keep believin! Let me know how it goes… when John is well enough to head home. Hug your mom for me… for the beautiful gift you are! ❌⭕️❌⭕️

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Thank you friend 🩷 Isn't it amazing! I love me some Dolly! John is 10x better and we are taking mom to video s dear friend tomorrow at the beach (about an hour's drive) while we run our dogs and get fresh air. My brother and his dog are also better but we are still hoping to see his beautiful English chocolate lab improve more. She has no use of one front leg and it's a bit strange. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Love you 😘 and hope you're doing well. ox

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Beautiful Deb! And was were only one set of footprints! And there was Jesus. 🙏❤️

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Ahhh Jamie! YESSSSS. When all is said and done. There are His footprints. He's there, was there, wants to be there. It's so humbling to call on a faith we cannot see to restore our heart and rebuild our lives. Even harder in good times. I hope you're doing well friend. Thank you so much! oxox

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Jul 30Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

OK, STOP THIS - Every one of your pieces is better than the last - and now you've got a great story, unbelievable pictures, and what's just become my new favorite song! (Way to go Deb, this is WONDERFUL!!)

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Awe Bob! You are truly the BEST! I am so inspired by you and hope the healing is continuing! Thank you for giving me the humbleness (and huge smiles) to keep going. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you. And that song is just AMAZING!!! ox

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Such a beautiful piece, Deborah. It reminds me of seeing my beloved Jersey Shore after Super Storm Sandy. Just devastation everywhere.

Sending prayers for your family and for you in this difficult hour. You have such beauty even in the face of sadness. 🙏💕

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Thank you so much Alison! The original fire and the hard times began in 2020. This trip has been a challenge, but I realize how blessed we are, in reflection, looking at the regrowth now and the life coming back to those areas and the lake. The drive was a good thing. God is so good. Seeing new homes and people out on their boats and fishing was really nice. It was such a horrible fire - but aren't they all :(.

I remember your poor Jersey Shore and the images. ox

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Jul 30Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

A wildfire just tore through a northern town here in Alberta destroying many homes. The intentional divide created by those who would profit from Covid tore through our communities like a wildfire destroying many relationships. I know that eventually the diamond in the rough will reveal itself, but until then, finding that grace is a tough row to hoe.

I often go to this song to remind me that I can't see all ends and to have faith in the bigger picture. Hugs to you Deb xoxo

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Oh Penny, my heart broke to see Jasper. Just realized how bad it is there too :(. You are right. The people know it here too, (if awake) with the lack (intentional) of forestry management. Do you know in the 60's in Oregon, there was a program for children that went up the canyon, on buses, during the summer, all summer long, to till soil and replant? It was a well known story until it got buried. Never ending litigation has never helped our country also. Everything gets ruined. Nothing happened (rarely a fire - also we didn't have homeless, often accidentally, lighting them in the hills - which is all the time and the news lies about it - but the fire personnel know!) until we got the worst policies/agendas, just like in Canada. Now we are in a never ending fire season (Global Warming. hummm.). I see very clearly. Our faith is what we have. It's a big picture that stands on God's truth. Not ours. His. God Bless you Penny. ox

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Jul 31Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt


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Jul 30Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

Beautiful country and pictures, Deb. Always there, Jesus.

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Thank you so much Ron! I greatly appreciate you reading and leaving me such a kind comment. Always. Jesus. ox

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Jul 30Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

This is incredible writing. Sending you much love as you support your family ✨❤️

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Oh thank you so very much Trudi. It means a lot coming from a beautiful poet like you. His grace over our complicated, yet blessed lives, is sufficient. Thank God. ox

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Beautiful Thank you. I so needed this now.🙏🏼

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Thank you Mariska 🙏🏻 Grateful you felt this and needed it too. I don't know what I'd do without such Grace. ox

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Jul 30Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

I can sense your resilience through faith.

Thank you for letting us see through your lenses.

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Thank you so much. If not for Him I know how weak I can become. ox

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Jul 30Liked by Deborah T. Hewitt

This is such beautiful writing. Thank you so much. I look forward to reading more.

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Thank you Mary. Only God moves my eyes to see and my heart to hear. I really need His grace. We all do. Hod Bless you. ox

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