“The death of a beloved is an amputation.”
― C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed
Note: this truth written below, is an important part of the vast spectrum of the Covid Pandemic, and must never be forgotten.
For many unvaccinated, who entered hospitals, seeking ethical medical “help,” during the Covid Pandemic, in 2021 and 2022, they never came home. Patrick was one of them. Like a script, they and their families on the outside, were shamed, starved, dehydrated and unable to seek “the right to try” any of these methods . They were put almost immediately on the drug Remdesivir , approved for use against COVID-19, despite research showing it lacked effectiveness and could cause high rates of organ failure.
The words I heard from my dear friend, Patrick’s mom, Jacqui, were “his heart finally just gave out.” In the end, Patrick succumbed to renal failure.
Below this introduction to Patrick’s Story, is a synopsis by one of his sisters, Caity. Included here, is also a very in-depth Instagram highlight of Patrick’s brave sister speaking out, for the first time, about what happened to Patrick and her family.
This is a story of unimaginable loss and grief, ringing true, like a script, for thousands of families. I am asking anyone reading this to take a deep breath and absorb with clarity of mind. For Patrick’s sake, his family’s sake, and all of the unvaccinated human beings that never made it home, I am asking you to share Patrick’s Story as well. We are glad if you made a free-will choice for yourself. We applaud you… either way. Many people, like my dad, passed-up recommended cancer treatments and chose more risky therapies and natural remedies. We also had choices with past vaccines. This is what we need to think about in terms of what changed? in the medical field during the pandemic. What happened to our personal discernment, our privacy, our lives?
What happened to natural immunity and the promotion of it?
We can do better. Fear less. Become fearless. We can live our lives the way we choose with the expectancy that our medical field will treat us as “beautiful human beings” worthy of love, compassion and saving… at all costs.
In the words of my youngest son, Ian, a well educated Columbia University grad and fairly liberal young man (after watching Caity speak) <permission granted> : “Watched the whole thing and I completely believe it now, that there was a culture of contempt that absolutely could have created, at best, subconscious bias, and at worst, intentional neglect and malpractice. Like a tragic drama movie that would never be made.”
After my oldest son Max watched, he told me of his co-worker who died in the hospital the exact same way as Patrick.
Changing minds, one story at a time.
THIS is The Family We Keep and hold dear.
Thank you, deb ox
Patrick’s Story, in summary, by Caity:
I’ve often wondered throughout my life, who I would be in times of peril. Would I be brave? Would I stand for what’s right despite what the consequences may be? Or would I cower? Would the fear of rejection or torment keep me submissive & unwilling to question authority? Never did I imagine I’d be faced with those hypothetical questions in my physical life, & certainly not to this degree.
For two years I kept silent on what was the most traumatic event of my life. The silence was all consuming, like a weight no amount of therapy could lift. I kept silent because the pain of having to confront the truth & share that truth meant potential rejection from society. After some time, the shame of my silence weighed heavier than any possible loss of relationship ever could. And so, I started to speak.
My brother Patrick was only 33 years old when he got sick. He was Partner & Chief Strategy Officer at Thirsty Agency a Sports Advertising Agency he founded with two of his closest friends. He was a regular at Onnit Gym in Austin, TX, where the workouts are known to be very intense. Patrick was an endurance runner, often choosing to run long distances during the hottest parts of the day here. His energy levels knew no bounds which made him the perfect uncle to his 2year old nephew. During the summer of 2021, he was, without question, in the best shape of his life. To know my brother was to love him. He was so smart, endlessly witty & had a laugh that was so infectious I can still hear it as I write this. He was destined for great things & up until now, I believed his shot at those great things had been struck down. Now I know that his life, & his unjust death, will create unrelenting waves of change. Patrick’s last act on earth was shining a light on the evil that has taken place inside the four walls of hospitals & ICUs all across our nation.
On August 9th, 2021, Patrick went to the hospital to be treated for pneumonia he had developed while fighting Covid-19. After a round of steroids, he started to improve & was slotted to be discharged just three days later. Shortly after receiving the steroids, doctors started him on what they kept calling the “Anti-Covid Drug”, Remdesivir. Almost immediately after this IV was placed, my brother began to deteriorate rapidly. His breathing labored, his heart raced & he began to have panic attacks. The doctors then started pumping him full of Morphine, Fentanyl & Xanax, to the point where he could no longer advocate for himself. In my brother’s medical charts, it states that he refused pain medication every time he was asked, but was given it anyway. When they told us he had to be intubated, they gave us 60 seconds to say our goodbyes & the screen went black. During his intubation, both of his lungs were collapsed by the team performing the procedure. Hours later, his PICC line “accidentally” ripped from his chest, which in turn caused multiple blood infections. We, his family, were barred from being with him for the entirety of his hospital stay. At first it was just for a few days, until he was 14 days post covid symptoms onset. When 14 days came, it suddenly turned into 20 days. After that, never. They dangled our reunification in front of us like a carrot on a string.
For two weeks we were shamed for not being vaccinated. We were told that had Patrick taken the vaccine he never would have contracted the virus & would have completely avoided illness. Any suggestion made on our part to help my brother heal were shot down, laughed off & declared as too dangerous. We begged for ECMO, we begged for Ivermectin, we begged for vitamins. I even suggested putting my breastmilk in his feeding tube because I knew I had the antibodies. All of this was turned down, stating it was Remdesivir only, & maybe an extra bag of Ensure. We watched as this “Anti-Covid Drug” began to shut his organs down one by one, first his kidneys & ultimately his heart. We watched my brother die on FaceTime, August 23rd, 2021, all huddled together trying to figure out if this was indeed real life. Even after his death, we were barred from being with him. My parents were extorted by the funeral home, who required all covid deaths to be embalmed before allowing family members to see them (a fee of over $1,000). The depravity we witnessed first hand is something we will never forget. The fallout from that depravity we will likely never heal from.
So I ask again: who will we be in the face of peril? Will we be brave? Will we stand for what is right no matter the consequence? Will we be a voice for the voiceless? The time to rise up is now, & I hope you will with fervor.

Once again, if you have an Instagram account > Patrick’s Story on IG Highlights, where Caity walks you through more of what they were going through, how she was due with her third child as Patrick was dying and an encounter with someone who’s brother also ended up in the hospital, near the end.
Righteous anger must serve a positive, tangible life-changing purpose. Not a narrative.
Forgiveness, never means forgetting.
Healing can only come through the acceptance of “truth” and “being heard.”
For many of us, we believed in “our choice” to vaccinate or not. Many, who were forced to vaccinate, have also suffered injury and loss. Also, those who believed in vaccinations (as many of us did, or picked and chose in our lifetime what to get, or had our children vaccinated for school, etc. ) have suffered great injuries and loss too. I can’t believe how many stories there are.
Mere men and women behaving like the ultimate authority over our lives are not the Ultimate Authority.
Patrick's story is heartbreaking. He, like many others ,were not given the freedom of choice. There were no years of research that went into this hurriedly produced anti- Covid vaccine. Just a guarantee to make its inventors a vast amount of money in a short amount of time. I feel so deeply sorry for Patrick's family .
I’m still waiting for Big Pharma and many others to be charged with Crimes against humanity. It was obvious this was nowhere near ready to be used on the world’s population and they knew it. And then intentionally denying therapeutics, forced ventilation, forcing drugs that were killing and injuring, forcing nursing homes to take Covid infected, denying medical care, not explaining how it replicated and recommending and enforcing the exact opposite of what was healthy like forcing masks and lockdowns was absolutely horrendous, cruel , sadistic and psychopathic.