Beloved were His tears the world had betrayed Rainbows o'er the years A ransom would be paid His will was forgotten no radiance did shine He would send His begotten who'd turn water to wine A miracle came down from heaven above the future King A baby to love Humanity needed rid bitter and cold The truth was unheeded by those who controlled In shadow and doubt the world was torn when the Word came about His fate would be born Climbed Golgotha the hill with a cross on His back Good tidings, good will our Creator's soundtrack The finale' did come He'd die with two thieves and the road therefrom we still can't conceive Thorny crown on his head a broken mother's prayer He would rise from the dead no tomb could ensnare Nor infiltrate the King born on Christmas Day He's the God of everything my ode to The Way Deborah T. Hewitt
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This will probably be my last post of the year, and it’s almost been a year since I joined the Notes app on Substack. Next June I will celebrate three years writing here. I have grown strong and healed. In almost every case, especially with the poetry, my writing process has been a surreal experience of receiving messages, sentences, images, even songs. From there I might stop everything I am doing to take notes, hanging onto where it’s all going. I’ll admit, I’ve turned off the shower, pulled over the car or constantly repeated out-loud until I can get it down. Lately it’s been like chasing flies. I’ve almost agonized over the fact I can’t hang onto what I am receiving. Wednesday morning, at 2 a.m., I sat up in bed and began to finish what I heard while getting ready Monday morning. I tried to explain this process to my husband John. I know it's felt manic at times. He said that must be how composers work. It makes sense.
I also needed to sketch this crown, but I have never sketched a thing (so don’t look too close!) A few months ago I ordered a sketchbook, some pens, and have successfully stared at them.
I believe God gave me this poem and the challenge to sketch, so I could stop and embrace how He is putting my family back together. I can let go now and get ready for Christmas. Who knows if something else will pour out before the new year.
In the meantime I want to say a special thank you to
for your input, love, kindness and support.The family we keep is the family who accepts us for who we are. Several will reject us, even our own family, but that’s a price paid over 2,000 years ago. Rejection is often a form of protection.
Some family and friends have been with us from day one and others I’ve discovered in the most unlikely or amazing places. Like here :)
Wishing you peace this Christmas and Hanukkah season,
love, deb ox
John 3:16
Have a nice holiday with family and friends, Deborah.
I love what you wrote about healing through writing.
I wish you success in your writing, continuation of healing and no more pain.