Master Creator of miracle making breath taking bestowed download a baby behold! NOT God who decodes, implodes The Painter of souls 'cause WE not GOD Choose respect no neglect, deflect, ReJEcT? Noooooooooooooo We protect the SaCrEd gift pArENtHoOD loves CHilDhOOd = equals good ReSiST victimhood Wrap your arms around mis-under-stood Embrace receive grace Walk toward 'em StAy sLaY believe weave overachieve Work it out shake it off Make a pact social con-tract Jam-packed Attract positivity deal no stranger dangers money exchangers wide open doors Adult playgrounds Shut it down don't mess around Pray on your knees begging please BE unambiguous seek wistfulness limitless confident resilientness and count 'em ALL as odes to INNOcence.
slow “rap to innocence” - by me :)
I have one more ode in this series.
Happy weekend and may it be peaceful, although I know the pain of the world, and it’s events, is at the helm of many feet. Praying goodness in the midst of pain. ox
How refreshing to consider the innocence of children when looking around the world at all the horrors and evil. Thank you, Deb ❤️
‘Seek wistfulness’ ❤️❤️❤️